****Bonus chapter: "the wedding"****

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"Red, you look amazing," said Lily as she watched me get my hair all dolled up. I couldn't believe that today I'm getting married! This was five years in the making, and I decided to wear my mom's wedding dress in honor of her. Ever time I think of her, it brings tears to my eyes. I hoped Gordon was as excited as me.
I was so nervous to see what my bride would look like. With my brother next to me for support what can go wrong? I felt Cosmo's hand on my shoulder trying to calm me down.

"Bro, chill! You're shaking like an excited dog—wait you are an excited dog," he said. He laughed and dodged all my attempts to swat him upside the head. A maid came in and announced, "The bride is ready to be married."

I panicked as I rushed into my position. I contain myself right as our daughter, Mahogany, walked down the isle as our flower girl throwing flowers down. Then the bridesmaids came down into their positions. Then the star of the hour arrived looking as beautiful as ever. A tear rolled down my face. This day couldn't get any better.
The sight of Gordon brought happiness to me. He was so handsome in his black tuxedo. Once he caught sight of me, he smiled and looked down at his feet bashfully. I got up to him and grabbed his hands. He lifted his head up and smiled at me. The priest went on and on until he got to, "If anyone says otherwise, say it now or forever hold your peace."

"ME! I OBJECT!" said a woman with blonde hair, and very attractive blue eyes. Gordon stared on at her as she turned to him with a very sweet smile.

"Oh babe! Oh how I missed you! I came back my love!" All Gordon did was stare at her in wonder. I felt betrayal and jealousy rising from the pit of my stomach to the center of my heart. How could Gordon just except this woman like that in our wedding day?! I thought furiously. Gordon opened his mouth but closed it shut daring not to speak her name.

"Marla...." Gordon just ended up staring at her like he imprinted on her. I growled as I forced Gordon's head towards me, but his head was stuck on Marla.

"Gordon..." I got in his line of view, and he locked his eyes on me.

"Red...what happened...." He grabbed my hands, but I moved away from him. "Red!" Now he sounded angry. I turned to him my face filled with tears.

"You don't love me Gordon!" Then I turned to Marla. "You can have him since he loves you more!" I picked up my dress and ran out of the church.
I stood there as I watched Red run out of the church. I cursed at myself not trying hard enough to not be drawn to Marla. You see....Marla was my mate years ago before I met Cosmo. We played together, laughed together, and have been through a lot together, but when she just disappeared, I was heartbroken to the point where I stopped eating for a whole week. My father decided that I needed a new mate, so he made me watch him torment Red and her grandmother for years until he disappeared. Now she's back and is still as beautiful as ever. She walked up to me.

"Gordon, was that your new mate?" she asked curiously. I nodded, and she lifted my head up to meet her eyes.

"I'm here now Gordon; your mate is back." She leaned forward and kissed me. Those lips I haven't felt in years were still as perfect as when I kissed them years ago. I pushed a piece of hair behind her ear as Cosmo gets up furiously and shouts, "HOW CAN YOU DO THIS TO RED?! I CANT BELIEVE YOU GORDON! YOU'RE JUST LIKE DAD!"

I turned to him and said, "Well that makes one of us." I grabbed my mate's hand and we walked deep into the forest never to be seen or heard of again.
I cried and cried for hours until Gordon came in. I saw him and threw a pillow at him.

"Go away you slut!" I cried. He stood only a foot away from me.

"I'm leaving to be with Marla, Red. I'll be back to check up on Mahogany and Victor to see if you three are good, but for now duty calls, and I must go back to my pack; I love you." He kissed me like he was never going to see me again and left. Just like my mother. Man leaves me to care for our children. My father was right; I should of never trusted Gordon. My daughter curled up beside me, and my son held my hand. I stroked her hair and I stroked his cheek. At least I have a piece of Gordon to keep.

A/N: I know that was a sad ending....I did it for a reason because I wanted it to flow into the sequel, Mahogany. I'll be be rewriting this story, the sequel, and the prequel, so look out for that. If chapter one and stuff looks different, you'll know why. It's time to give this book a fresh start. Keep a look out for the sequel and the prequel. Thanks and stay awesome

 Thanks and stay awesome

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