Chapter twelve

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I woke up, and Gordon was talking to someone outside of the cave. I rubbed my eyes and crawled to where Gordon was sitting. Gordon turned to me and smiled at me as I came up next to him.

"Hey, good morning Red," he said as he gave me a kiss. He nuzzled me softly. "You look beautiful today."

"Flattery won't get you anywhere with me. Who are you talking to out here?" I looked over and my face fell. He was talking to his father aka the big bad wolf. I frowned at him while scooting closer to Gordon.

"What's he doing here," I growled with lots of vigor. Gordon scowled at me while his father played innocent.

"I've done nothing to you but help you with your quest," he said.

"Then why did you torment me and my grandmother?"

"I wanted you to have an identity, something that people would remember you by, like how your name is Little red riding hood."

Gordon's scowl lifted as he looked from me to him.
His father floated towards me. "Please Red, I've helped you in so many ways; now it's time for you to help me: get the skull, avenge me, and help Gordon get the position as leader."

I sat there thinking for a moment. Should I help the man who tried to kill me and my grandma? He claims he made an "identity" for me. I looked at Gordon, whose perfect face was waiting patiently for my answer. I sighed and said, "I'll avenge you big bad wolf."

He smiled and scooped me up into a big bear hug. For a ghost to actually touch me like a regular human was shocking yet scary. He put me down. "Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get my skull!"

He carried us up to the mountain top where his skull was floating in a light green light. The big bad wolf was waiting for one of us to grab it. "Aren't ya gonna get it?"

Gordon slowly and carefully grabbed the skull and pulled it from the greenish glow holding it in place. He sighed in relief as it was in his possession. The big bad wolf smiled at us. He tussled Gordon's hair. "I'm proud of you my son."
He turned to me and hugged me lightly. "Good luck Little red riding hood." We both smiled at him as he faded away. I grabbed Gordon's hand with a smile, and we slowly made our way the mountain and back towards the village with our prize.

As we were walking, a huge swarm of microwolves suddenly headed straight for us! I think they were avenging their follow packs that we've killed over the time it took to get here. I looked over at my boyfriend. I've never seen Gordon's eyes so wide with fear. I tried to pull him away. "Come on Gordon! We need to leave their territory now!"

Trying to move him was like trying to move a boulder; he wouldn't budge! The swarm was almost upon us, so I had to think of something quick. I came up with an idea, but neither of us would like it. I grabbed his lower area and pulled as hard as I can. Gordon roared and snapped out of it. He quickly shifted into a wolf and carried me away from the swarm. His stride was even stronger on flat terrain! The swarm was getting smaller and smaller until we could see them no more. Gordon stopped back at the cave we slept in three days ago. He laid down and started to snore. I curled up next to him and fell asleep.

When I woke up the next morning, I found Gordon up and ready to go. He tossed a mixed berry breakfast shake to me.

"Come on Red, it's time to get going," he said. I tasted the shake, and it was delicious!

"How did you make this shake?" I wondered.

"No time for questions, it's time to finish what the leader had started."


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