Chapter fourteen

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"Hello to you too brother," Gordon responded. I couldn't believe my ears.

"Wait, you guys are brothers?" I said awestricken.

"Step-brothers more like," Cosmo answered.

"Yeah, but I'm older by two months," said Gordon. Cosmo rolled his eyes and took a step forward as he weaved his hand through my hair.

"You look beautiful Red." He murmured before burying his nose in my hair. "Ahh...wild flowers..."

Gordon pulled me towards him. "Back off, she's mine."

"Ha! Since when?"

"Since we had our first kiss," I snapped. Cosmo raised his eyebrows in shock.

"Red, I didn't know you had that in you," he said.

"Ugh, why do both of you quote after the big bad wolf?!"

He shrugged and took a step forward towards Gordon. "Dad always thought you were better, even when my mom decided to leave the pack."

"That's because I was his rightful son!" Gordon retorted.

Cosmo hissed in fury and grabbed Gordon's throat. "I wished you died and went to hell!"

Gordon tore Cosmo's grip on his throat and threatened to slit his throat. "Maybe I should-"

"NO!" I screamed getting between them. "Don't kill him Gordon!"

His dangerous expression turned soft when I came into view.

"Why don't you want me to kill him?" He asked.

"If you wanna kill him, you'll have to go through me first."

He sighed in defeat and let out a small chuckle. "You know you're my weakness." He released his death grip on Cosmo. He rubbed his throat and said to me,"Thanks Red."

I walked over to him and placed my hand in his shoulder. "You were probably expecting me to come back from my quest and fall in love with you, but instead I come back in love with Gordon. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings in any way, but I love you just as a friend; nothing more than that."

The expression on his face was blank; I knew I said something wrong. Then he looked up like he was thinking, and his blank expression vanished. He started to laugh, and he wrapped a friendly arm around my shoulders. "I know you do Red, it's just you reminded me about Lily, me and her were getting to know each other more."

"So, you're not in love with me?"
"Not anymore Red; you're just my best friend." I gave him a big hug. His strong arms held me in the embrace. I could hear him purring, and I closed my eyes to the vibrations. Then Gordon tore us apart. He shoved down Cosmo in a jealous rage.

"You should've never been born! Father should've let Adrian kill you!" He grabbed my hand and walked away from him. Cosmo was so angry that he howled. Then the leader and his pack zoomed into the village. I saw Lily run towards us cautiously.

"What's going on?" She asked. Cosmo ran up to her and held her hands.

"You shouldn't be out here; you're bedridden," he said as he gave her a kiss.

"I know, but I couldn't help but try and defend my village. The captain goes down with the ship."

"You can't die! We need you! I need you." He touched her stomach. "Both of you." I jumped up and down in excitement.

"Omg, omg, omg, Lily, you're pregnant!"

Cosmo pulled her closer to him. "Yeah I am," she said with a smile.

"And should be resting. Too much stress will hurt the baby," he said nuzzling her nose.

"I love you Cosmo."


An explosion interrupted him. All of us whipped our heads to the direction of the explosion. My mom's blacksmith shop was in flames! Cosmo started to back away from us.

"I'm-I'm sorry," he stuttered.

Gordon pinned him to the wall. "It was you! You're helping the leader destroy this village, but you had to get in Lily' know what I'm talking about and now you regret it because it's gonna kill her, the baby, and everyone else!"

Cosmo pushed Gordon away from him. "I'm tired of you stealing all my glory! I wish you died along with dad!" And with those words, Gordon slapped Cosmo in the face so hard that he slumped over like he was dead against the tree. Lily screamed and ran to him. I pushed Gordon in fury.

"What the hell is your problem!?" I snapped at him. He rose his hand up like he was gonna smack me, but he sighed and dropped his hand. "I don't wanna hurt you..."

"You tried to hit me!"

"And I'm sorry, it was my wolf side of my brain was trying to take over." I did notice before he attempted to hit me, his pupils were slits. I quickly grabbed him towards me and slammed my lips against his. He pushed me away with me still holding him.

"What was that for?" He asked breathlessly.

"That could be our last kiss," I answered the same way. We ran straight towards the burning blacksmith's shop.

 We ran straight towards the burning blacksmith's shop

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