Chapter ten

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We walked over lots of hills before we caught sight of a glowing mountain.

"The Mountain of No Return," Gordon told me. "It's where the remain of the Big Bad Wolf is located."

I nodded as I held on to his arm. The mountain was beautiful from where we were standing. The mountain was very high, and I could see the glowing of the area where the remain is located. I looked down and saw yet another mircowolf pack. I groaned.

"Why are there so many mircowolves?" I asked.

He rubbed his hand against my lower back area which sent chills up my spine. "I don't really know. I think this is mircowolf territory."

I pulled my red hood over my head. "Let's get this over with."

With Gordon's help we got down the hill safely. We had to tiptoe past the sleeping pack of microwolves. We were doing fine until I stepped on a branch really loudly. All the wolves' head snapped up and in my direction.

"I think you've done it now," he whispered in my ear. The wolves sprang up and ran towards us at lightning speed. Gordon turned into a wolf, nudged me on to his back, and ran in the direction of the mountain of no return. The wolves were catching up, and I think Gordon was getting tired since the wolves were gaining on us. Then, out of nowhere, these huge butterfly creatures flew from the cliff and blocked us from the wolves. We could hear the wolves' cries as these creatures pushed them off the cliff. After all the chaos was over, the creatures all flew and stopped in front of us. The leader was very obvious. He was bigger than everyone, and his color stood out. He looked at Gordon.

"I need you to come with me," his voice boomed. Gordon looked at me with concern.

"It's alright, your friend here will be safe with us." He added.

Then a huge swarm of butterflies picked us up from the ground, and they started to separate us! I held on to Gordon, and he held on to me.

"Please give us a" Gordon had no idea who the leader was or his name. The leader laughed.

"The name's Gorgon," he said.

Gordon smiled. "Thank you sir. Please give us a moment."

Gorgon nodded, and the butterflies stopped separating us. We held hands for a while before he spoke.

"Red, I don't know how long he's gonna talk to me, but do know this: be careful, be safe, and be cautious," he said. He started to release our grip, but I tightened it.

"No Gordon-"

"It's fine, I'll be back okay? I love you." And with those words I pulled him towards me and kissed him. It wasn't a peck, it wasn't a "I like you" kiss on the cheek, it was a full on kiss. We pulled away after a few seconds of kissing. I pushed a lock of hair out of his face. His eyes sparkled with satisfaction. "I knew you'd do it some day."

"Oh Gordon, I love you so much; I can't imagine life without you," I said hugging him close. He hugged me close and started to kiss my neck. I closed my eyes and sighed in satisfaction. Then he kissed my forehead and pulled away.

"I'll be back my love," he whispered in my ear before he left with Gorgon. Gorgon waited patiently for Gordon, and when he appeared he smiled which was weird for a butterfly.

"Now, time for that talk..."
I followed Gorgon to the area of judgement. I was a little pup when I saw my father get it. I looked back to the retreating swarm of butterflies that had Red inside. I hope they're keeping her safe from the dangers of the microwolves. I closed my eyes and tried to focus on Red's appearance: soft, long, red hair that was suppose to be brown, beautiful speckled brown eyes that sparkled every time I touched her, soft, pale skin that I wanted to see uncovered. Gorgon's voice shook me out of my thoughts. "Gordon, son of Hayleah, propose your request for judgement."

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