Hello...you may have come here for some insight or just to take a look at my life but I think it's time to look back at yours for a change. I write these entires to try to get a grip on how I feel and how I think and to be honest it's been really good for me and you (the reader) seem to like them so I think it's time to thank you and ask you a few things about your life.
So the first thing I want to ask you is are you happy with your life? Meaning are you content with where you are and your position in the world? If you aren't I want you to "change the conversation" and have it bend to your will and your words. This world is very much your world as is everyone else.
Second,are you happy with yourself? Meaning are you alright with your body and mind being what they are at this point and time. If you aren't....you absolutely should be because this the only one we have. So love yourself and work on it so that YOU know that you are comfortable and are not ashamed of your body and mind. If you want to exercise it,you can. I exercise as much as I can and every time I do it I feel a lot better,a lot more calm and not as tense. For your mind? I'd recommend reading a book. Honestly read a book,it keeps you sharp between the ears and you can keep up your vocabulary and grammar which helps in the world.
Lastly,Are you in love or falling in love?
Meaning.....are you head over heels in love with the another person or falling so fast that you aren't able to stop and you just pray to God that they catch you,yeah that kind of love. If you are in love,love slowly but passionate. There's no fault in taking time like a few months or even years in some cases to truly know if this is the person you want to be with,trust me don't rush it if you rush you will get a hurried answer and hurried answers are hardly ever true. So make them jump through hoops but not enough hoops to make them think you are leading them on. In the time that takes you to court your gal/guy you should be able to know almost everything about them,what they like/dislike,their fears,their dreams,their favorite shows,their favorite food,what ails them.....basically all of that you should know.
I hope all of this helps or its alittle encouragement for everyone.
So thank you again for reading and taking your time out to read this,it means a lot to me.
DiversosI've done diaries in the past but I got the urge to do one again because of mad men. I went straight to the episode of don on his own in his apartment ,writing down his thoughts.