Part 3: Nightrain

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I heard the abnoxious phone ring go off. I woke up on the couch again. My make up from last night was still spread across my face. I moaned then grumbled the rest of the way to the kitchen. I caught the phone on its last ring. I picked it up and yawned as I rubbed my black eye liner some more.

"Hello?" I yawned.

"Stevie, it's me William." His voice sounded rough and scratchy.

"Um, hey." I quickly glanced over at the wall clock, it was 3 a.m. "Do you know what time it is?"

"Oh shit ya, sorry doll."

"Yep, I'm sure." I yawned again. Fredrick had been giving me several night shifts this week, and my sleep hadn't caught up with me quite yet. "What's up?"

"Can I come by?"

"Well, I was trying to sleep." His question took me aback a bit. He's only been over a couple of times, but like for lunch. I was curious.

"Great, be there in a few." He hung up.

I didn't believe him, so I just went back to the couch. Once I hit the pillow though, a loud knock came from the other side of my apartment. I groaned again, and got up. The knock kept coming every few seconds. I grabbed the door knob and swung open the door. It was Will, drenched in midnight rain. He was only wearing a black Cream shirt and a pair of warn out jeans. I scratched my head. "Willy, you were serious." He shoved passed me in a rush. I slammed the door behind me. "Um, hello Stevie! Oh hey Will how are you." I mocked.

"Sorry, I just..." He paused then walked over towards me. "I needed to leave."

"Leave what?" I placed my left hand upon my hip.

"Can I stay over?"

"Are you high? What have I told you about visiting under the influence again?" I walked behind him and tried pushing him to the door. "Go back home and call me in the morning."

"I can't go back, not tonight." He turned around to me. I gave up and sat down on the couch. I patted the cushion next to me. He sat down and I laid my head upon his shoulder. "I'm collaborating a new album." He took a deep breathe. "They say we're gonna be big. The stress is taking a toll though." He looked down at his feet. "Saul started heroine. Everybody is pretty intoxicated." He fell into his hands. I lifted my head up. "We don't even know what the album should be called, we only have a couple of songs made."

"There doesn't need to be one right now." I patted his back awkwardly. "I just want to hit something." He kept breathing deeply. "We do nothing but fight, all I want is to finish one fuckin' song!"

"Seems like you have an appetite for destruction my friend."

"He looked up at me with a smirk. An appetite for destruction." He nodded his head several of times. "You marvelous creature you!" He grabbed my face, cupping his hands around my face. I sat still in the unpleasant situation.

"Thanks-" he leaned in and kissed me quickly, then stood up. I still say there in silence.

"You are a pal Stevie." He took my arm and pulled me to the door. "We need to go back to the studio." He opened the door and dragged me out. I kind of just let him. I was still confused about earlier.

"Why we?" He was still dragging me out the complex. "I'm still wearing yesterday's clothes man."

"They listen to you, I swear Duff has a thing for you. You are my key." He waved for a taxi. I grabbed his aviator's from his head and put them on.

"Ugh, you're a confusing person."

We hoped into the taxi. I tried sleeping on Will's shoulder again, but every few seconds he would nudge me and start babbling on. I was not in the mood. Once we got to the studio, Will pulled me out of the taxi and shoved me threw the door. Saul was sleeping in a swivel chair with his guitar sprawled across him, Izzy was snuggling with Steven, and Duff was taking a hit. Duff was the one that saw us and shot up in surprise. Saul fell out of the chair.

"Ladies and gentlemen I present you our title album!" He pushed me forward. Steven and Izzy rubbed their eyes.

"Stevie, our album is called Stevie?" Saul asked as he stood back up.

"Oh no, it's Appetite for Destruction!" Duff knocked on the glass since he was inside of the sound studio.

"What the fuck does that mean?" Duff laughed.

"It means title of album." Will explained.

"Ugh, can I sleep now. Do you think the taxi is still out there?" Will turned me back around.

"I like it." Izzy yawned as he walked out to the control board area. But how about we write some more songs so we can bring out the album."

"Don't kill my vibe an." Will snapped.

I looked up at the ceiling as they all started arguing again. The room was spinning and I was still standing. The shouting turned to screaming. Will started tearing up papers, and Steven kept banging the drums to drown everybody else out. So, I simply walked out. This was normal, screaming and fighting were normal. Everything was always hectic there. How could they all of them even stand in a room together? I lit a cigarette then sat down on the curb. The air was crisp with the fresh smell of rain. The streets were empty. I closed my eyes and felt the nicotine inside of me. I blew out the stress.

"Those are actually mine." Duff took the aviator's off of me. His smile was always welcoming.

"Oh, I just took them off of Will."

"Can I have some?" I passed the cigarette to him. "They are always at it, those crazy kids." Duff coughed.

"Always," I smiled and looked down.

"Don't take it to heart champ." He passed the cigarette back to me.

"I better get going." We both stood up.

"You're not going to find a taxi anywhere near here." Duff smiled "how about you hop into my motorcycle and we go get some breakfast?" I took a minuet before answering. Will probably already forgot he dragged me down here. Duff was a good guy, so why shouldn't I say yes? Why couldn't I hangout with other people besides William? So I agreed. We drive away from the parking lot together. My arms were wrapped around his waist. I placed my head against his back as we left. All I wanted to do was sleep.


"I can tell you honey, you can make my money tonight." Nightrain by Guns N' Roses

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