Part 17: Sweet Child O' Mine

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I wipe my feet against the weary green carpet outside of my door. I steadily slipped my key in and swung open the door. Saul, Izzy, and Eveline stood together in the middle of my living room. They had obviously heard me outside of the door and stopped their conversation. I sighed and put my keys into the little glass bowl, before taking my green wool coat off. What she doing here, especially in my apartment? I didn't really feel like finding the answer though, I just got off an eight hour shift. There was no point in me getting frustrated. I'd rather not fight with either of them.

"Well hello there," I rolled my eyes and strolled over to the three of them. I could feel the awkward tension between all of us. "It's been awhile boys...and girl." I stood up straight.

"We aren't staying long, actually we were just leaving." Izzy snatched Eveline's arm and guided her around me.

"Nice seeing you too." I sarcastically smirked. Saul only frowned at me.

"Do you get me Stradlin?" Saul asked sternly. Izzy turned his head to look at him.

"Positive," he groaned, then continued out. I patiently waited until they both left before questioning Saul.

"Looks like the invisible man has been found." I said right as the door shut.

"Don't give me that." He huffed.

"I gotta say, I'm not a fan of disappearing acts." I unraveled my orange scarf from around my neck.

"Sorry, didn't know I needed your permission."

"Know what Saul?" I got up into his face. My last nerve had been broken. My eyes were piercing with thirst. A thirst to take out my anger and tell my options for once and for all. "Don't give a shit what you do, I don't care at all. But I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't bring prostitutes into my fucking apartment." I let go of the collar of his black shirt.

"Oh now she's the prostitute." He chuckled to himself. I started hastily walking towards the kitchen. "From the one sleeping with everyone." I stopped in my tracks.

"Excuse me asshole?" I took a few great steps and stood back in front of him. "I let you stay in my house and eat my food, I don't deserve this."

"You think that's what you don't deserve? I love how you don't even deny it." He took another step closer. My eyes filled with fear. I didn't quite know what was going on. My emotions were being irrational.

"We both know that's a lie. Now I've been working for eight hours, and I'd like to rest without an audience." I tried shoving past him but he grabbed me.

"Don't talk to me that way."

"Don't talk to you that way? Leave Saul." He stared at me peculiarly. He knew I was clueless about the situation.

"Can't believe it." He mumbled. He let go of me. "I was defending you right there." He yelled.

"Thanks, but I don't need your help." I walked back to the kitchen again.

"Maybe you don't." I pushed open the kitchen door as he rambled on. "He slept with her." I froze. My knuckles turned into fists against the chipped door. My breathe became shaky. "He slept with her all night long, in the studio. He slept with her on your bed too. He also used your money for more Heroin." I ran over and slapped him. He didn't fight back.

"Shut the fuck up!" I screamed. I knew all of the information he told me, I just never wanted to accept it. I didn't want to know he was done with me. "Shut up!"


"Shut up!" I slapped him again. We repeated this three more times, each time our voices escalated. Until, he finally just grabbed me and held me down. My back was against his chest, and my arm were held against me in a 'T' formation. I kept repeating 'no' to myself, as Saul slowly dragged the both of us to the ground. I tried elbowing him, but he never surrendered.

"Calm down," he whispered to me softly. Tear ran down my face, so did his.

"I'm a whore." I hollered. I finally just broke down.

"No, now cut it out." He held onto me tighter.

"I am though, you were right. He never loved me, I was just a toy to him." I tried wiggling my way out, he still wouldn't release me.

"No I wasn't, they both are blind. They all are, they'll never see you how I do." I turned to face him, our faces were practically touching.

"That's isn't much different." I swallowed.

"They'll never appreciate you." He wiped the tears from around my eye with his thumb. "But maybe that's a good thing." He kissed my forehead. "I won't have a reason to be jealous anymore." He laughed pathetically. "You're too good for everyone."


" If I'd stare too long, I'd probably break down and cry." Sweet Child O' Mine by Guns N' Roses

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