Part 6: Raw Power

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"Okay now switch to," Duff glided my fingers across his prized white bass. He sat behind me trying to teach me finger memory.

"Ugh, I give up." I turned my face to him. We were only two inches away from each other.

"It's really not that hard, doll." He laid his head upon my right shoulder. "It's like the guitar, just with less strings." Truthfully I knew it wasn't that hard, I was playing with him so he could have his arms wrapped around me for a little longer.

"Alright, I'll try one more time." I taunted him, he smirked.

"Okay," we kept gazing into each other's eyes. His eyes were so green that day. They were like a field in Ireland.

"Hey guys," Will barged into the soundstage door. Duff quickly jumped up in surprise and acted as though nothing were happening. "Sorry I'm late?" He looked down at Izzy in the control room.

"Eh it's all good man, Duff was teaching Stevie bass." Duff glared at Izzy. Will Glared at Duff. I stood up and also glared at Izzy. "What?" Izzy's shrugged off our stares with a swig of some whisky.

Will opened the door into the recording studio. He placed his hands upon his hips and looked straight forward at Duff, who in fact towered over him.Duff looked down at him intimidatingly. I still stood behind Duff with the bass in hand.

"What's going on?" Will asked pessimistically.

"Just like what Izzy said, teaching Stevie some basic chords." Duff took a small step forward. Will changed his gaze to me. I shrugged at him.

"Get to work." Will snarled. He grabbed me by my wrist and dragged me out of the studio. I stumbled outside and caught my balance before facing William. He started lighting a cigarette.

"What was that all about?" I took the cigarette out of his mouth and put it in mine.

"Nothing," he grumbled and took back the cigarette.

"Well it was obviously something." I stared into his eyes. He looked away at a tree nearby. "Of course, don't answer like usual." I shook my head.

"I will answer if I feel like it." He flicked the cigarette across the front and walked over towards me. "Question me one more time and I swear,"

"Swear what?" He gazed into my eyes. His face expression softened. I could feel his breath on my face. He smugly smirked. "You aren't all that tough." I playfully punched his left shoulder.

"Oh really?" He tightly gripped both of my arms. I straightened my back in response. My eyes widened to their full potential.

"You can be a bastard sometimes though." I chuckled, he looked deeper into my eyes.

"You're a good kid." He in tightened his grip.

"Kid?" He started walking away. "No don't you scamper off!" I ran to him and jumped on his back. We fell onto the damp grass. We bursts out laughing.

"Are you alright?" he rolled over on his side. His long reddish-brown hair became entangled in with the grass. "I mean mentally." He laughed.

"Oh shut up!" I pushed him away and kept laughing. That only made him come closer though. He wrapped his arms around me.

"Don't get near him." Will whispered and kissed into my ear. He stood up then left back into the sound stage. I elevated myself up on my elbows. Was Will getting jealous or warning me?

I slowly got up from the lawn. I looked up at the twelve-o'clock sun and spread out my arms. My head started feeling light headed again, so I looked back down at my normal gaze. I really needed to eat, I don't want the hangover to get any worse than it already was.


"Don't you try, don't you try to tell me what to do, I was tryin', I was tryin' a tell ya what to do." Raw Power, by Guns N' Roses

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