Part 20: Dust N' Bones

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"Oh my god, stop!" I giggled as Saul tickled my side. I fell on the couch, he went on top of me and continued tickling me. He just kept laughing at how defenseless I was. "Seriously,"

"Not until-" he stopped and jumped off of the couch. William came bursting through the door. I sat up with messy hair.

"Hey babe," will smiled as he came over and planted a kiss on my forehead. I saw Saul stare at us. I stared back at him the whole time. "We've got five minuets." Saul nodded and grabbed his guitar. He left angrily, Will didn't bare to notice.

"Hope you have a great show." I got up from the couch and dusted off my black sun dress. He helped fixed my hair.

"Thanks, you're still watching right?" He seemed a bit down. He words weren't as fluent, his manner didn't seem as charismatic.

"Of course, doesn't mean I can't wish you good luck though." I kissed his upper lip. He didn't react back. I pulled away slowly and looked into his deep light green eyes. They seemed troubled, or maybe that was just the heroin. "Knock them out." I playfully hit his left arm, but he didn't say anything. So, I just decided to move away. He grabbed my right hand and pulled me back to him.

"I love you," he glanced at me up and down, then let go of my hand. He left through the door without a single word.

I waited a couple of seconds before leaving the room. I went into the crowd and sat at a small wooden table. They went on as usual. Everybody was screaming for joy. What had just happened? Did William let his guard down for once? I knew in his own way that 'I love you' really meant as an apology and a confession. I didn't really know how to think of this.

As watched them all play, I kept contemplating my actions lately. Saul smiled at me once in awhile to get my attention, even through all of that hair. I did notice a tension between him and Izzy. They usually played together, side by side. But, this time was different. Izzy would always back away every time Saul got close to him. Same with Izzy and Will. It was like they had an argument before the show. I didn't hear any screaming though, and Will was quite chill. I had to read into this.

I caught William watching me as he sang his heart out. His gaze never wavered. It almost looked like a competition between him and Saul. I wondered if he knew about Saul and I. Maybe he was too into himself to ever know about us? I had to really quit over thinking.

After they left the stage, I immediately ran back stage. Duff and Steven found me in the hallway and stopped me in my tracks.

"Sofía," Steven said out of breath with open arms.

"You guys were great!" I kissed both of their cheeks. "Where's Izzy?" I looked around them. My mind was going a million seconds minute.

"I don't know, I think he said he had a headache." Steven looked at Duff confused.

"I believe he's leaving soon, maybe you can catch him." I shoved through the middle of both of them, and ran down the endless hallways.

I found an exit and bursts through it. I ran through the parking lot. It was practically empty. I searched for Izzy's red convertible. I went through every lane, nothing. I took a second to relax. I put my hands upon my knees and inhaled. As I exhaled I heard a car behind me. I looked up, it was Izzy. I stood up straight and smiled friendly. He still frowned.

"There you are." I opened the sort to the convertible and hoped in. "I've been looking for you, are you okay? I heard you had a cold or something."

"Yeah, that's right." He never looked me in the eyes.

"I should go," I opened the car door. He reached over me and shut it.

"I can't let you walk home." He gripped the wheel stressfully.

"It's fine, I can get one from Will." He didn't seem pleased by that comment.

"No, you're already here."

"Alright," I smirked. We drove from a few minuets in awkward silence. I finally had to break it. How could we have been such good friends at one point, then strangers the next? "How's Eveline?" I wondered, not very emotionally.

"I don't know," he mumbled.

"How don't you know? She's your girlfriend, isn't she?" He glanced over at me. I looked back at him. He he licked his lips. His eyes were so gentle and saddened.

"She is not my girlfriend, just a a girl."

"Okay," I nodded.

"Why does everything have to have labels for?"

"I was only trying to have a conversation. If you don't want to talk about it, you don't have to."

"What are you doing?" He stopped the car on a random curb. I almost hit the dashboard.

"What the fuck?" I rubbed my temples.

"First it's Will, next Duff, then me, and Saul, then back to Will."

"Oh don't do this." I groaned.

"Do what?"

"Schooling me on my life. I was only trying to be friendly, not insult you." I crossed my arms and leaned back in the chair.

"Maybe you shouldn't be asking too many questions then?"

"Maybe not, God I'm so sorry for being curious of my friend's life." I rolled my eyes.

"We aren't friends." He yelled. His eyes were so tense.

"Fine, I get it. I'll leave." I opened the door and walked into the curb. "I miss you." I bit my bottom lip out of frustration.

"Save it, how about you go tell Will that." He tightened his grip on the wheel.

"But, I don't miss him."

"Why are you with him then?" He stressed at me fiercely.

"Im trying to make amends with you! Can't you see that? I feel bad and I want to be your friend. I want to be able to talk to you again." He looked down at his feet. "Remember New Years?  I do. You dance really well." I smiled to myself. "I'm allowed to mess up, in human. But, that shouldn't be my excuse. That's why I am here. I'm here asking for your forgiveness."

"You don't need to apologize, I don't want it." He shook his head in disbelief. "I only want you, but we can't have everything. Take it from someone experienced."

He drove away after that. I was left on the dark streets, of who knows where. I ended up taking a taxi to my apartment. The walk would have taken me an hour.


"Sometimes these women are so easy,
Sometimes these women are so cold,
Sometimes these women seem to rip you right in two, only if you let 'em get to you." Dust N' Bones by Guns N' Roses


Thank you to all of my avid readers for still reading. Just as an FYI though, I'm adding more chapters to the earlier works in this story, to lengthen it and fill in some plot holes. Check out the new Chapter 5: Out Ta Get Me.

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