Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

“Are you sure he’s not dead? There are not many differences between him and a corpse,” a male voice muttered.

“Are you an idiot? His heart is beating, isn’t it? What does that have to do with being dead?” another voice hissed, but some part of my brain identified it as Alexandria’s.

There was a muffled sound. “Why did you hit me?” the first voice asked. “I think it is justifiable to not fully believe in the fact that he is dead. From what you told me, he should be.”

“Will you two shut up already, you’re going to wake him up,” Erik ordered. Wait, Erik was alright? How? The last thing I remember was…holding that leaf, effectively killing both Callista and myself.

“I don’t even know why you’re here. This is my apartment after all. And I don’t really know who you are,” the male voice said sounding sullen.

I shifted and all the voices stopped. I opened my eyes and after they adjusted to the light I saw that Alexandria, Gabriel and Erik were all crowded around me and in the kitchen area of the apartment I spotted Alexandria’s friend, Nicole. Erik looked unharmed, way better than I had last seen him, meanwhile Alexandria looked worse. She was pale, her eyes were bloodshot but somehow she still maintained an air of beauty. Gabriel and Nicole looked exactly like I had seen them last, which was weird.

I sat up ignoring the unspoken suggestions that I should remain lying down. “What happened? How did we get out of that house? The last thing I remember was…,” I trailed off.

Erik and Gabriel both glanced at Alexandria who sighed. “Do we have to talk about this now? You’re still recovering, there’s plenty of time before…”

“Before?” I repeated with annoyance. “You told me you would explain everything to me later, that was before we went to rescue Liz and Erik and now you’re telling me later again. Are you ever planning on telling me? Or are you going to keep me in the dark forever. Because I think I’ve come to realize that when it comes to your secrets I am not able to figure them out by myself.”

Alexandria looked surprised by my rant. “It’s not that I want to keep everything from you, it’s just complicated and I really don’t know how you will react at the end of it.”

“Well you’ll never know if you don’t tell me. I never pegged you for a coward,” I told her knowing that it would get her angry and sure enough her purple eyes darkened a bit.

Gabriel grabbed Alexandria’s hands. “You never were one for following the rules so what does it matter if you explain things to him, once and for all. Don’t you think that after everything he deserves it? And what will it matter soon? The promise you made changes everything.”

Alexandria nodded slowly. “Yeah I guess you’re right.” She turned to me. “So what do you want to know?”

“How am I alive?” I asked her. “The leaves are supposed to kill everyone. Is Callista alive as well?”

“No, she’s not. You died too, I saved you,” Alexandria answered watching me carefully. I frowned at her. Gabriel didn’t seem surprised by but Erik at least seemed to know as much as I did, which was nothing.

“What happened to Liz?” I asked deciding to give myself time to wrap my mind around this.

“She’s in the hospital. She had extreme injuries that couldn’t be healed by vampire blood,” Erik said then pretend to throw up. “She’s the luckier one in this.” He looked pretty disgusted.

Alexandria smiled sweetly at him. “If you don’t appreciate being healed by me I can always replicate your injuries. That’ll be fun, at least for me.” Erik glared at her. Glad to see that their mutual hate relationship is still intact.

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