Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

“What just happened?” Liz wondered aloud. Her gaze lifted and she glanced at each of us as if she thought we could provide some kind of explanation to her question.

“I have no clue,” I sighed. “She seemed a bit…,” I broke off, struggling to find a word to describe her.

“Unhinged?” Erik provided. “Not surprising. I think that was bound to happen. She was always very deliberate in what she did, that wasn’t at all planned.”

I nodded my agreement. “I think she was more focused on retrieving the ring.” I looked at Erik’s father. “What’s with that ring? It saved Erik so clearly it’s magic, or enchanted with some kind of spell but-,”

“It’s not any kind of magic I know of, or have encountered,” Erik’s father interrupted. “She gave you her ring?” I nodded. “Strange, when she came back to get it, she seemed like she needed near her at all times.”

“And are you sure it’s even her ring?” Erik inquired. “She doesn’t really follow major rules so who’s to say she didn’t steal it from someone?” His eyes widened. “Like what if the ring belongs to your attacker, Damien?”

I frowned. “My attacker said nothing about taking back what was stolen from her. No, I think whatever grudge she has against Alexandria isn’t because of a taken possession.” No one looked convinced. “Plus I got the feeling that it is Alexandria’s ring. When she gave it to me she didn’t want to part with it. It’s hers, I’m sure of it. She seemed a bit sad to get rid of it, and a bit relieved,” I realized then. “That doesn’t make sense.”

“It’s a magical ring of some sort,” Erik argued, “It could be what your attacker is after.” I shook my head and Erik rolled his eyes. “Fine, we’ll go with your theory about how Alexandria came to have the ring. Why did she give it to you if she was so loathe to relinquish it?”

I shrugged. “She said it was to protect me. She gave it to me when she drove me home the night I was first attacked. Which now that I think of it is suspicious.”

Erik snorted with derision. “Yeah, I would say so. Why didn’t you tell us this before? I can’t believe it didn’t come up in our talks about Alexandria.”

“It didn’t cross my mind to tell you. I guess I didn’t really think of it,” I answered. But this is just proof that she knew about my attacker, and did nothing. What did she think a ring would do to protect me from my attacker? I had it and I was still attacked. It clearly doesn’t work.”

“Perhaps, but it could be that maybe it was never supposed to do something like that. It could let her know that you were in trouble or something?” Liz suggested.

“It clearly worked for Erik when the ring was put on his finger?” Max White reminded us. “It could be that it needs to be worn to do its job? It is strange either way when you consider her owning the ring, or stealing it. If it’s hers then how did she get it, and if she stole it who does she know that is involved with this strange kind of magic?”

“And what’s with the fact that it hurt her?” Liz asked curiously. “If it’s hers then why would it hurt her?” More questions with answers we had no access to.

“I think that I’m going to look into the ring a bit more,” Erik’s father announced. “The fact that it’s something I’ve never seen before has piqued my interest. I had prided myself in knowing a lot about the different kinds of magic in the world.” His expression was dark for a moment before it brightened. “I’m going to go see a guy I know; he might have some information about this.” And with that he was gone from the room.

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