Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

What went wrong? Erik said he could do the spell but maybe he had done something wrong and that was why I hadn’t reached my planned destination? I knew without a doubt that he wouldn’t send me here on purpose.

I looked down at myself. I looked exactly like I was before Erik did the spell. I pushed down my sleeve, over the name Alex and touched the area of my stomach where I was stabbed. I winced and stopped. I could still feel pain.

The room I was in looked suspicious like the herb shop that the elderly lady owned. But this wasn’t where I was supposed to be. I was supposed to be sent to Erik’s father. Not a shop owned by a mysterious shop owner.

“So what’s your plan or are you just going to let more powerful people deal with this?” a female voice inquired from the back of the room. I navigated my way through the clutter of the shop to the back of the room trying not to disturb the order, if there was one. But when my leg went through a book I realized that it didn’t matter. I was basically a ghost.

I paused, interested by this new information. I bent down and tried to touch the book. My hand went through it. I tried focusing on actually touching the book and I worked for a bit before my concentration broke.

“I might. But I have a feeling that regardless of whether I want to or not that I’ll be forced to anyways.” I froze then starting making my way to the back of the room once more. I leaned on the doorway and just stared at Alexandria. She was the second speaker. What was she still doing at this shop?

“What do you think they want with you? They haven’t cared until now,” Alexandria’s mysterious friend Nicole said. I recognized her voice as the person who I had first heard speaking.

Alexandria was sitting at a table with her back mostly to me and Nicole was facing me directly but I could tell that she couldn’t see me. They weren’t supposed to. Gabriel was also in the room. He was standing by a small window, looking out until what Nicole said caught his attention.

Gabriel snorted. “Hmm, I wonder what changed recently. Up until now Alexandria was acting like a regular vampire. Through a hunter into the mix and I personally would guess that her relationship with him is what made them start caring about what Alexandria was doing.”

Nicole rolled her eyes. “She wasn’t doing anything wrong in my opinion.” She was in the middle of putting her blonde hair into a side braid.

“It doesn’t matter what you think,” Gabriel shot back. “You know the rules as well as I do. What Alexandria was doing was just on the verge of breaking the rule and they obviously didn’t like being bested.”

Alexandria sighed and rubbed her eyes. “You guys don’t know anything more, do you? Any little bit of information that you thought wasn’t important but may prove to be useful?” she asked not sounding hopeful.

Gabriel walked towards her and put a hand on her shoulder. “We’ve gone over this too many times. There’s nothing that can be done now. Truth be told, we should never have been near him. It was too risky but we foolishly thought the chances of running into him were low.”

“You’re not helping,” Nicole muttered under her breath, she secured her braid with an elastic band and stood up as well. “We should get going, unless you need us for something else?”

Alexandria shook her head and Gabriel and Nicole filed out of the room. I made sure to be well away from the doorway when they did that. I didn’t want to test out if I could go through people.

Alexandria sighed and leaned back in her chair. I slowly walked into the room and picked a spot opposite to her. Her eyes were closed and she looked a bit tired. She opened her eyes after a bit and her eyes widened and she sat up, staring right at me. She was visibly startled.

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