Chapter 1

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The sequel to Hunter Academy

This chapter is dedicated to AbdelZuniga because she sent me a message and a comment talling me i should write the sequel and it kind of made me to start writing it. otherwise this chapter probably wouldnt be written and uploaded right now


Chapter 1

I stared at the two female figures mutely. My mind reeled with the news that Alexandria was keeping something from me. I stumbled back inside to avoid getting discovered while I was very obviously eavesdropping. I shut the balcony doors quietly and then padded back to the room I had woken up in. I sat on the edge of the bed and contemplated what I would do. Should I even confront Alexandria? I didn’t want to affect the unstable relationship she and I had at the moment.

I ran my fingers through my hair and stood up abruptly. I didn’t know what I was going to do but all I knew was that I wasn’t going to spend another moment in this room.

Maybe I didn’t have to confront Alexandria. Maybe I could give her the opportunity to tell me what was going on, if she didn’t, I would resort to other measures. I didn’t like that she wasn’t telling me everything. I hated dishonest people; Jeremy had only made my hatred stronger. He had kept a big secret from me, and look how it turned out. No, if Alexandria’s secret was the least bit dangerous I would find out so I wouldn’t be caught off guard when it came out.

Without another moment of thought I left the room and headed down the marble staircase. I passed the kitchen where my family and Liz and Erik sat but I didn’t say anything, I barely spared them a glance.

They had all turned towards me when they heard me come down. I didn’t know why they turned their attention to me. Maybe they wanted to talk to me, make things seem normal for however long it would last, but I wasn’t interested in playing pretend. Our lives weren’t normal.

I heard chairs scrapping against the ground from the kitchen as the occupants tried to quickly catch up with me. Were they trying to stop me or simply see what I was doing? I didn’t give them a chance to stop me though, as I went out of the safe house’s back doors.

Alexandria whirled around and her purple eyes widened. She gaped at me and her blonde companion looked down and stepped behind Alexandria in an attempt to hide. I forced a smile on my face as Alexandria and the other girl composed themselves.

“Hey, who’s this,” I asked Alexandria. She studied me for a moment then sighed. Her eyes flickered over to the other girl and I thought I saw Alexandria give her an apologetic look.

The blonde girl adjusted her ponytail and then stared down at her shirt which matched her eyes. She was dressed in all blue I noticed with her light blue skinny jeans, the shirt, and her flats. Either she really liked blue, or hadn’t noticed the main colour of her outfit when she was getting ready this morning.

“This is someone I’ve known for quite a while,” Alexandria started. “Damien, this is Nicole. Nicole, meet Damien.” No introduction about me, I noted. Nicole smiled but it didn’t reach her aquamarine eyes.

“Hi,” she said softly. Her smile slipped off her face quickly and was replaced by a worried look. Things weren’t going as she’d planned. “Well, I really have to go. I kind of have things to do. Sorry I can’t stay longer,” she murmured before spinning on her heel and walking away. What was the hurry?

“Are you going to be coming back?” I asked curiously. She paused and turned her head slightly towards me. She shrugged once and took a moment to think before replying, but I could see her mind was made up. I saw her glance at Alexandria but Alexandria expression didn’t change.

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