Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

I knew he was capable of doing this by himself so I didn’t see much harm in calling Alexandria for him. I slid my phone out of my pocket and searched for her number in the phone book. I didn’t call her often and so didn’t know if off the top of my head. I pressed call and waited as the phone rang. She didn’t pick up and after a while I hung up.

“She’s not answering,” I told Erik’s father who shook his head as if that was what he was expecting to happen. “I’ll send her a text.” I sent her a simple text, just telling her that I needed to come over by the safe house when she could.” It’s not as if she would come at any time that wasn’t convenient for her.

“Well at least now she knows. I’ll be here whenever she finally comes around. Your parents offered me one of the guest rooms to be close to my son. I think the actually care about him, that or they feel badly and are pitying me.”

I nodded knowing he didn’t want me to reply. “Have you thought of anything that would wake Erik up?” I asked instead. “We’ve been trying to find a solution ourselves but we haven’t started trying to get most of the ingredients.”

Max White sat up and looked at me hopefully. “What did you find?” I motioned for him to give me a minute and went to my room. When I came back I handed him a written up list of the ingredients that the one witch had given us. “A lot of the things are hard to find.”

“Where did you get this recipe from?” Max asked.

“Alexandria referred us to this one witch that doesn’t live near any civilization,” I answered nonchalantly.

“You went to her?” he inquired incredulously. “Not many go to her. Not for the reason you’re thinking though. Her stuff does work but she charges a high a price for her services, what did you bargain for this?” he held up the list in front of my face.

“What?” I said shocked. “Alexandria said it was no big deal. She was the one that said this witch would be able to help. I wonder how bad the price was for this.” She should have talked to me before setting all this up. I would like to have been in the loop.

“It must have been pretty steep,” Max stated. “For this kind of spell, it’s a powerful spell and the witch you’re talking about doesn’t like to give those out easily. It’s a good thing Alexandria will be coming here; I can now ask her about this.”

“Well if what she had to pay for this spell wasn’t good then why did she do it? it’s no secret that she doesn’t like Erik.”

Erik’s father shrugged. “I don’t know, but I plan on finding out when I talk to her. Meanwhile I can handle getting these ingredients, I know a lot more about this stuff than you do.”

“Are you sure?” I asked. “Liz and I can help you know, since you know, we did have something to do with this whole thing.”

“No I think I’ll do this. I want to have some kind of control in this situation at least,” he replied. “I just hope this spell works,” he whispered disheartened. I pretended not to hear him and left the room quietly. From how he was acting it didn’t seem like he thought it would work. I wanted to ask why but didn’t want to bother him with those kinds of thoughts.

I walked into my room and saw that Kayla was lying on the bed. She had headphones in and her eyes were closed while mouthing the words silently. I jumped onto the bed and laid down beside her.

“What are you doing in my room?” I asked her after I pulled out a headphone. She rolled her eyes at me and paused the music.

“Well I wanted to talk to my little brother but he was nowhere to be found,” she sighed. “So I was forced to just wait around for you to return.”

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