Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

I felt a slap hit my cheek and my eyes opened. When they adjusted to the dim light I recognized my attacker. I was lying on my back and my back felt wet. I tried to get up and make sense of where I was but I couldn’t move.

“Don’t try and move,” my attacker said. “I’m in charge here, and nothing happens without my say so.” She slapped me again then laughed. “We’re going to have so much fun together. I’m so glad you fell into my trap.”

A chill rose up my spine and I tried to speak, but nothing coherent came past my lips. My attacker sat down beside my paralyzed body facing me. She brought her knees to her chest and rested her head on her chest, her eyes never once leaving mine.

“What’s the matter? A strong, magical being got your tongue?” she taunted. “Don’t worry; you’ll get your chance to speak, just not now. There’s a plan in effect. And if I’m right, and I always am, this will all have a purpose and in the end it will turn out how I want and need it to be.”

She’s crazy. What the hell was she talking about? I didn’t understand what this had to do with me, what she was doing all this for. Ii once again strained to look around, remembering that Erik, and foolishly Liz were also with me when I was captured by this psycho.

She slapped me again. “Stop it. If you listen to me and what I tell you to do then all will be well.” She tilted her head as if reconsidering. “Well, you’ll be alive at the end.” This didn’t sound good. And what was with her slapping me? She had hurt me more in the past so why was she deciding to keep me in line with a simple slap?”

I listened to her and did nothing. She watched me for a moment before growing bored. She glared at me. “This is partially your fault, you know. It all started with you, a long time ago. To me that time span is nothing but it has ruined my life!” she cried. She gripped strands of her white blonde hair and pulled tightly, stress lines showing on her face. Then her face became cold once more. “This one sided conversation is becoming really boring. You may talk now,” she said waving a hand dismissively.

I licked my dry, cracked kips. “Who are you really, and why are you doing this?” I still couldn’t move though, clearly she wasn’t going to let me move yet. “Where are Liz and Erik?”

“So many questions, so little time,” she replied. “Well, I just don’t want to waste my time explaining things so I’m not answering all your questions. I’ll start off with the easiest to answer question. I’m Callista,” she said, extending an arm out as if we were meeting for the first time and just politely greeting each other. She shook her head and laughed. “Oh yeah you can’t move.”

“You only answered one of my questions, and that was probably the least important and informative one,” I pointed out. “Telling me your name doesn’t help me at all.”

She shrugged, not caring. I wasn’t surprised. This was all cleverly orchestrated by her. She wasn’t going to let anything slip if she didn’t want me to know. It irritated me but I accepted it.

“Yeah, so, what’s your point?” she commented. I didn’t reply. “I suppose that now that I have you I can tell you a little of the reason why you’re here.” My eyes widened. I wasn’t really expecting her to answer that question. “You’re really just the bait. The least important part of what is going on right now. You just happened to have crossed paths a few times with the person I’m really focusing on. You know; that vampire you used to hang out with. She smirked as she gazed at me.

“So if you’re really after Alexandria then why did you kidnap me? Are you hoping to make a trade?” Her silence confirmed my suspicions. “That isn’t going to work. She doesn’t care about what happens to me. What do you want from her anyways?” I inquired.

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