Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

“Here you go,” Alexandria announced as her car pulled into the driveway. The sky was dark by now and I could see that a few lights were lit in the house. I wondered which of my family members had realized I was gone, if any. “You should get some rest then begin to tackle the list of instructions the witch gave you.”

“You’re not going to help us?” Liz asked. If she hadn’t asked then I would have. I thought since she brought us to the witch then she was invested in helping us save Erik but I guess not.

“I have things to do,” Alexandria said. “My schedule tomorrow does not include strategizing what to do next to save Erik. I have complete faith in you two. You’ll be able to do this, Erik’s depending on it.”

“Sure…,” Liz replied sarcastically. “What are you doing that is so much more important than helping us?”

“Hey, you didn’t even want my help in the first place,” Alexandria reminded her. “I didn’t have to go make a deal with that witch to give you a step-by-step list to accomplish your goal of Erik waking up. You think I just got in contact with that witch and paid her in something as trivial as money. I have a lot of that, that wouldn’t be a problem, but instead she likes to think outside the box when it comes to payment for her services.”

“So that’s what you’re going to contribute?” Liz inquired.

“It’s better than not pitching in at all,” Alexandria sighed. “Now get out of my car. I have a headache.”

Liz made a face and got out of the car. She fished a key out of her pocket and went inside the safe house. I watch the door slam shut behind her and then the light in the kitchen turn on.

“You don’t have to be so mean to her,” I said. Alexandria shrugged nonchalantly. “Thanks for taking us to that witch. What are you paying her for aiding us?”

“It doesn’t matter. That’s between her and I. I alone must pay the price, no one else can help me,” she answered.

I didn’t like the sound of that. “That worries me. Are you sure that it is worth whatever price your paying?”

She nodded. “Yeah, I’m sure. I did agree to it. I wouldn’t have said yes to her if I didn’t like the terms she proposed. It’s not that I can’t pay it; it’s that I don’t like the price. Although compared to reviving Erik and helping you it’s nothing, really.”

“Oh,” was all I could say. “Where are you going now?”

“Back to my hotel,” she mused. “I have nothing else to do. Well no, that’s a lie. There’s nothing else I want to do.”

“So why don’t you just come back here later?” I suggested.

“Isn’t it kind of late?”Alexandria said skeptically.

I shook my head. “I won’t be asleep,” I assured her.

She laughed. “Because you’re going to stay up talking to Liz about how to save Erik?” I didn’t say anything. “I know you pretty well. Don’t think that you can keep a lot from me, I’m two steps ahead.”

“Really…?” I asked. “Prove it then.”

She raised an eyebrow. “Well I know you’re curious about the secrets you think I’m keeping.”

“Of course I am,” I joked, trying to make light of the matter. “Anyone in my position would feel the same way.”

“Yeah, but I know you’re planning on trying to find out what my secrets are. In fact you should stop looking into things that you just don’t understand. Someone else might get hurt because you’re too curious.”

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