Chapter Ten.

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It's been like a year, so those extra characters that would have a Character Profile but weren't involved in the story yet, don't exist anymore. And I'm sorry if she sort of just chaged characters.

Sorry, it's small, but I felt the need to upload.

Mudbloods were being petrified at a fantastic rate, and then there was that Hagrid oaf who had a spider, something of which I manipulated out of Riddle as it was his backup plan. But I got a lot of apology letters from the Professor's, and a few from the students.

Dumbledore has a good influence . . . too bad he wouldn't trust me with something as unsignificant like a quill. I should test that theory, actually. I will, supposedly, not bring a quill to Transfiguration, and see if he will loan me one, or make somebody else give me one, or kick me out of the class and make me get one.

Sounds like fun.

"Ariana~♥!" I heard Abraxas call across the Great Hall as he walked towards me. I swear you could hear that heart in his voice.

He was getting really annoying lately, but I smiled at him anyway, "Abraxas, how are you?"

"I'm fine," he replied, before he said, "I think we need to, uh, break up." That greeting and his statement weren't quite matched, I'd have to admit.


"Well, uh, Voldemort," he answered. God, what a stupid name.

"Tom?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"He . . . told me you were engaged to him," he informed. I'm going to kill him. "Why would you agree if you were engaged?"

"I don't like him," I replied. "We've never-"

"I can help you with that!" he grinned.

I blinked at him and scowled. "No," I told him sternly, leaning towards him. "We're two people, that despite our arrangement, do not like each other."

He continued to completely ignore me and said, "But, if you want to be friends, you're going to have to call him Lor-"

"Don't even say it," I interrupted, putting a hand over his mouth. "That is one hell of a weird kink if I start calling him that."

He paused and I removed my hand before he blushed. Oh God, what was he thinking? "That would be," he replied. "Only during sex, then."

"Oh Merlin," I stated, getting to my feet. "You need to calm down, my friend." I walked down the table and said to Jack, "Keep him away from me for the rest of the day."

He nodded quickly, "Yes, ma'am." He had started to call me that ironically and I gave him a sigh. I'd become a lot nicer than expected to my Father and this was why I was marrying Tom. While not much nicer, I probably shouldn't have just let that go.

I walked away from him and joined Samara and Avril outside for breakfast. I sat down with them and Samara glanced over at me before smiling. "Evening."

"Top o' the mornin' to ya," I replied in an Irish accent. "I brought food."

"So well trained," grinned Samara before taking a piece of toast from the plate.

I leaned down and took a bite of her toast as she put it in her mouth. She stared at me in surprise before she grinned, "Let's not take both Malfoy's down on this ride, especially not both at once."

"Ah, but it wouldn't be both anymore," I winked.

Avril spoke up, "You two broke up? About bloody time, all the more reason to kick him."

"You're not very upset," Samara commented.

"It's been less than a week," I replied. "Unless he decides to end our entire friendship, then I'll be upset."

She nodded. "Fair enough. You know what brought this on?"

I sighed before saying, "I suppose it's not going to be much of a secret any longer. Tom and I are engaged."

There was silence, even the birds shut up - actually, no they didn't I just felt like being dramatic in that statement. Then Avril burst into laughter. "Oh, that's funny. It'd have to be forced."

I looked at Samara with my eyebrows raised and she said, "You're actually being forced to marry him. Why?" Avril went silent and stared.

"Even though I hate to admit it, he shows promise to my damned Father," I replied, cursing the man internally.

"I'm so sorry," Avril commented. "Wait, what do you mean it's not going to be a secret any longer?"

I thought back and informed them of the conversation and how somebody was likely to hear any part of it. Samara then wiggled her eyebrows, "Ooh, that would be kinky."

"You should make a note not to make sexual references with either Malfoy's," Avril informed with a nod of her head.

"I agree," I told her.

Avril suddenly flinched and her eyes were glued to something behind us. We turned around and we saw the end of something large move, no, slither, past us and up into something. That was a damned giant snake. I turned back around and stared ahead at Avril who was looking me dead in the eye with a scared look. "No wonder people come out petrified," she managed to joke quietly.

"I want to know what it is," Samara commented, totally unperturbed. She was such a Ravenclaw.

Avril and I nodded in agreement. I wanted to know what it was, too.

Then Samara tilted her head and looked down, "Who's willing to make a trip into the Forbidden section of the library?"

They both looked at me with raised eyebrows. As if they had to ask.

"Sure," I replied, knowing that they wouldn't and I'd done it several times. "What would I be looking for?"

"Anything on snakes, giant snakes, really," Samara informed after a moment. "But do it tomorrow, I'll have a look if anything can be found in the everyday library."

"I never saw the point of that section," frowned Avril. "Like, no teacher uses any of the books for a reference. There's actually just a lock and there's not even a spell on it. You might as well be telling students like Ariana to take books in the dead of the night."

"Students like me?" I asked, amused.

"Sneaky little liars," Avril informed with a nod.

I chuckled. "Students like me," I agreed, knowing that was not meant for offence.

"Well, you two, we have classes," Samara commented, getting to her feet and grabbing her bag.

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