Chapter Five.

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Dedicated to LlamaCat for creating Avril Bardell! Yes, the crazy Hufflepuff. She also created Caileb Lestrange, who will be a little more introduced in this chapter, if he hasn't been so far, because I'm an idiot, and I don't usually remember stuff.

Sorry for the late upload, I forgot my password. I just didn't know >.< My email wasn't an option, because they were the same password. Sorry for shortness . . . the next one, I SWEAR will be longer than this.

And then I forgot it again XD Okay, uploading.


We walked into Transfiguration, and I we were set in a strange sort of seating plan, where I was seated next to some Gryffindor names Wesley Glade. He was an absolute numbskull. His very existance annoyed me.

Nobody knew how much this boy annoyed me.

"Now I shall call the roll," Professor Dumbledore said, and I rolled my eyes, and leaned backwards on my seat. He had gone through with his introduction, saying that this class would be the hardest class that we would be taking, and that he would not take any fooling around.

"A-Ariana Grindelwald," he called out my name, he had to take a pause before saying my name.

"Here," I called, keeping an absolute passive face as he looked at me, just looked, before going to the next name.

Dumbledore always seemed very, very awkward around me, it was actually quite amusing to be perfectly honest.

Caileb Lestrange at the back rose his hand carefully.

Dumbledore looked at him. "Yes?"

"An owl is about to destroy your window," he said. As said, an owl flew into the window, and spread shattered glass around the room, and into my arm.

"Damn owl," I winced, looking at it. Gross. There's a reason for 'Avada Kedavra'. I pulled the glass shard out, which seemed to be rather large. I ripped a strip of cloth off my bag, and held it steady over my arm.

"I'd cover that," Glade said.

"No kidding," I replied coldly, before continuing with what I was doing. He was dumber than the average bear, I swear. After that, I raised my good arm, and he looked over at me with a questioning look. I decided to speak. "Glass entered my arm, may I see the matron?" I asked politely.

He nodded. I noticed after when he said my name, that's the last time he spoke to me. That's quite rude. So I stood up, and left. Glade asked me if I needed my bag. My eye twitched, but I walked out, already plotting his murder.

I started to hum a song under my breath as I walked down the corridors to the Hospital Wing. When I got there, I stopped humming, and entered. Her apprentice, I'd assume (because she looked like no older than 20 years old), saw me, and smiled.

"Take a seat, and I'll check your injury out," she ordered me. "Madam Roberts is currently helping out at St. Mungo's."

I nodded, and took a seat. As long as she can heal a cut, I don't really care. She unwrapped my makeshift bandage, and told me not to use something as dirty as that for an open wound. I'm sorry, but I didn't know that my bag was dirty, I thought with "tone" of annoyance.

Then she healed it, but gave me a bandage as an extra precaution, which made me wonder how skilled she was.

I prefer the idea of Madam Roberts, she seems acceptable since she's helping out at St. Mungo's. I walked back to class, and entered with a death glare, since my bag . . . was no longer where I left it, and there was nothing on my desk.

I walked towards Glade with a menacing glare, and stood over him. "What did you do with my bag?" I asked, glaring down at him.

He looked up. "I put your stuff away, I didn't think you'd need it --"

"It was only a cut," I hissed at him, before sitting next to the arrogant prat. Under my breath, and cast a charm at his chair, one that would have him staying sitting there for at least three hours, unless it was taken off, like it would be.

I, of course would be in a whole load of trouble, but it was completely worth it.

When the class ended, I was one of the first up, and out, so I could at least get out without being caught immediately. I waited outside the corner until Abraxas came around the corner with Riddle.

"Hello," I mused, turning my back towards Riddle, cutting him out.

"Hey," Abraxas said with a grin.

I felt a glare on my back, then a sudden burst of pain. I yelped, and turned to Riddle, and held my wand at his neck. "If you really want to be on my bad side," I whispered in a menacing tone, "do that one more time."

I felt that pain yet again, and I hexed him so that he grew fur all over his body at a very slow and painful rate. There has been no cure for this hex yet, and so he would be a very hairy being for a week before it sheds off.

And with that, I walked away with him. I was getting into trouble today.

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