Chapter Fourteen.

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It was, admittedly, strange to be intimate with Tom within the sights of others. Currently, we were in the library doing some 'investigating on the Chamber of Secrets' as they decided to call it. But all I could think about was him which, by the way, annoyed the hell out of me.

His arms were around my waist and I was sitting between his legs simply because he wanted it. His closeness bothered my senses sometimes.

And, I had to admit, was getting scared of him. Even for me, the one with the Father who was inheritably evil, the boy was dark. That was alluring, sure, but not to that point where he tortured some guy who made a pass at me.

Possessive was an issue he had. And he scared me. Talk about a pain in the arse.

I got angry or annoyed at things that scared me, if you hadn't noticed quite just yet.

He nuzzled at my neck, splitting my loosened hair by there. I took a deep breath before whispering, "I'm not doing this in the library."

He rested his lips against my neck softly and murmured, "Why not?"

"Because I'm a creep," whispered a voice from behind us. Tom straightened and I looked to see Professor Bex. She had something of a small smile on her face but she looked sort of emotionless behind the façade. "This is a place of learning," she informed quietly, "You don't want to go bothering Madam Pince, she's rather vicious these days."

"How would we bother her?" Tom asked, his voice slightly husky.

She regarded him without any emotion before answering, "She's always been a prude."

I bit my lip from laughing. She glanced down at our books on spiders and, for half a second, her bright green eyes flickered towards Tom. "Pretty sure you don't really care about spiders," she then said, her eyes back on the book before walking away.

"She knows," I murmured.

"She couldn't," he replied just as softly. "But I can sort her out later."

"Right," I nodded. Admittedly, he had stopped in his advancement, which usually barely happened (the usual being that he'd continue while they were talking) so I wondered had she just used the imperius curse on a student? And how had he used it on him?

"This is pointless," he finally said after five minutes of silence, he pushed himself back and I stood so it would be easier for him to stand. He then started to walk off.

I let out a sigh when he was gone. Bex was planning something.

I decided on making my way up to the owlery twenty minutes after. I found the petrified body of Bex. I wasn't too shocked, but it striked me in a different way.

I didn't want to be around when she woke up. There were clicks behind me and I turned, Isabel had walked around the corner. She looked at Bex then she looked at me.

"Hey, can you keep a secret?" she then asked sounding amused, her voice kind of high.

"I suppose," I drawled out boredly, hiding my interest.

She raised an eyebrow in my direction. "You're not too bright, are you?"

"Excuse me?" I asked, my voice sharper than I expected.

"Tom Riddle," she stated, blatantly ignoring the sharpness of my tone, "He's rather unstable."

"You've no idea what you're talking about," I stated, though I wasn't so sure.

"He did that to Bex because she drew the short straw and hinted towards her knowing about that snake," Isabel replied, walking around me towards Bex.

"You both know?" I asked quietly, shocked.

"Yep," she replied cheerily. "I can't say I really care. Can you keep a secret?"

"Yeah," I replied. I felt that I owed them as much, that with keeping our secret. Maybe they hated mudbloods too?

"Fantastic," she replied before she knelt down beside Bex and yanked off a small vial on a piece of black cord from around her neck. Isabel opened it and poured the contents it Bex's slightly open mouth. Bex groaned out loud, shifting in her place and scowled.

"Why do you want to keep that a secret?" I asked, surprised.

"Because it's illegal," replied Bex, sitting up.

"Isn't that just Mandrake-"

"Nope," both replied as Bex got to her feet, then Bex added, "Have you ever seen a person get to their feet this quickly after being petrified and drinking that Mandrake cr- Motherf- Okay! Stop hitting me!"

Isabel slapped the back of her head sharply twice in a row without so much as a change of facial expression. She then smiled in my direction before saying, "Excuse us. She's about to get super moody."

I watched them leave, Bex rubbing the back of her head. Frankly, I wanted to know more about them. I didn't follow them, I decided to have a look at past, public student records that were found in the library.

So, I went back to the library and started to shift through the records. By the end of the hour, I had nothing. Absolutely nothing on the two. They didn't even seem to exist.

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