Chapter Sixteen

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I didn't appreciate being forced against a wall by some Gryffindor walking past thinking it would be push people out of his way. I groaned slightly, my legs turning to jelly before pulling out my wand and hexing him, making painful boils start to pop up on his skin.

I sunk down onto the ground, my legs giving way. I hurt. My back was killing me and when my head hit a lump in the wall, I realised he had pushed my spine into that lump.

My back was killing me. (2k16 me: lol same)

I grit my teeth to keep myself from groaning again. It wasn't broken, otherwise I'd probably be dead and paralysed.

Potter stopped in front of me and gave me a quick one over. "I'll get the matron. Stay there."

She then turned and started to walk with haste. I'd have to owe this girl later on, but that wasn't my problem at the moment. My problem was my back.

Soon, the Matron and the Potter girl had arrived.

Potter had concern in her features despite our not very friendly manner. The Matron got me to drink a couple potions and, while my pain still lingered just a little, I could stand again.

"Why help me?" I asked Potter after the Matron had gone. 

"I'm not cruel," she replied simply. "I don't need an agenda to help people."

I nodded. "Then, thank you for your actual kindness."

She raised her eyebrows. "You sound as if doesn't happen that often?"

"Many others have an agenda," I replied simply.

"Do you?" she asked. "I don't imagine you'd thank somebody to just anyone." Now she was joking.

I smiled and said, "No, I don't have an agenda, but I do thank others, usually I just don't mean it."

"Did you mean it this time?" she questioned, deciding to smile back.

I nodded. "I did."

"Okay," she nodded before saying, "And I hope, with no agenda, your back gets better."

"And, with gratitude, thank you yet again," I replied.

She then left with a small laugh.

Well, I won't forget anything, and especially that piece of shit blood traitor who shoved me into a wall enough to temporarily paralyse me.

I started to walk and at least I didn't walk like I had a stick shoved up my arse. But I did walk slow, large and fast steps were sending obnoxious shocks through my spine. Tom found me and had decided to help me move around.

"You kay?" asked a voice from our left. I looked and Bex was walking through the corridor at that side. Tom stiffened. Apparently, he knew that she had been petrified but didn't know she was okay.

"Yes, fine," I replied.

"Bull- I can't say that," she cut herself off and I narrowed my eyes at her. She ignored it and said, "Come."

"But-" The look she gave me was a 'shut up'. It looked exasperated and as if she was going to get what she wanted either way. I heaved a sigh and looked at Tom, so we followed the young looking Professor who was keeping a slow pace.

She knocked on a door loudly and walked in, telling us to stay out there until we were allowed in.

Soon enough, I was and walked in to see Isabel not dressed for the day but was wearing pajamas and looking recently woken up. She yawned into the back of her hand and I felt Tom shift slightly beside me. "What's the problem?"

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