Chapter Seven.

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So this is where their fifth year begins :) Woo! Dedication to SuperWhoLock_5eva for creating Avery Thorn, Tiffany Knight, Lily Davies, Amie Knight (though those last three don't have Character profiles) and Rain Jewel Shadow, who, by the way, Jess, is not being a prefect.


It's strange how much a smile can change somebody's perspective of something, especially a cute one. Not evil smiles though, not in my case, they don't change much. My Father got to England years ago, and terror was caused. When he started to take over things, Slughorn had the audacity for putting me in detention for this! I told him I wasn't tormenting the world, so why am getting in trouble?

Over my first and second year, I came to severely dislike him, he was frustrating, and promptly, a terrible teacher. It was those who had a damned art for Potions that passed his class. Because he taught us hardly ANYTHING! It was those terrible books. So I cheated and used another book.

Anyway, quite off topic here. My smile was directed towards an older Muggle lady who hadn't trusted me on sight. I was here for a reason, and getting in was what I needed to do, by any means possible, without magic. Still have the trace, you see.

"Hello," I said, "may I come in?"

"What do you want?" she asked coolly.

Hm, so that smile didn't work. It usually does. But I kept it on. "I want to visit a . . . friend of mine . . . Tom Riddle?"

Slowly, she opened the door more to let me in, and told me to follow her. We went down a long hallway, up a flight of stairs, then down more hallways, before she finally got to a door, and knocked.

"Tom, you've got a visitor." She opened the door, and Riddle was staring at the door with an almost completely passive face, but I saw a slight bit of surprise in it.

"Thank you," I said, taking a step in and Riddle thanked her, not hiding his annoyance with her presence. She closed the door, a glare pointed between the pair of us, and I grinned at him and not even remotely kindly. "Oh, so you live in a muggle orphanage."

He sneered at me. "What do you want, Grindelwald?"

"Ah, yes," I said, taking a seat on the other bed, and pulling out an envelope. "Sometimes, I do nice things."

He took the envelope as I handed it over.

He opened it, pulled out the parchment and started to read it through.

He was smirking at the end of it. "It sounds . . . worthwhile, do you know what's on this?"

"I get the feeling you'd enjoy the role a lot better than I would," I said. I wasn't . . . annoyed by this, I had known this as far as I could even remember, and I wasn't annoyed that it was Riddle who was going to succeed him, it's not my place to be annoyed. 

"But since succeeding your Father means being apart of your family," he mused, knowing something I didn't.

My eyes widened slightly at that. I put my hand out for him to give that parchment to me. He did, and I read that he was to, well, marry me.

I shouldn't be annoyed . . . I told myself, but I was pissed. Either way, I'd just been cheated. I had to marry Tom and I wouldn't get the kind of future I wanted - and that was moving and learning to become a doctor. "Do you .  . . accept?" I ground out.

He smirked when he saw me look incredibly angry, then he stood, and walked me into a wall, looking like he had won something. It seemed familiar, except our roles were reversed from the first time we'd ever met. Well, he wouldn't be calling me a mudblood. He'd called me something worse. "Of course I accept, wife."

The door opened without so much as a knock and the woman gave us a filthy look. "I'll see you at school," I muttered and he stepped away from me, putting his hands into his trouser pockets as I turned towards the woman and the door. I didn't acknowledge her this time. There was no need to.

I took the long way to get home, so that I could . . . calm down. When I arrived home, I was a lot better, all I found was that I was quite unfit.

I walked into the house, and when I closed the door, I walked to the dining room, to find people were disapparating, and leaving.

Father was talking to a familiar length of platinum blonde hair. Brutus Malfoy laughed briefly, then disapparated. Everybody was gone.

"Fantastic news--" for you, I added silently, "Father," I said slowly, "I have a fiance now."

He gave me a strange look, before it occurred to him. "So he did accept. Smart boy . . ."

Although, right now I wish he didn't. He'd be dead had he not accepted.


September first came, and I went to Kings Cross alone once again, crossed the platform, and almost walked into a girl with messy, pixie cut hair. Potter turned her head towards me.

"Sorry," I muttered.

"It's fine," she muttered back.

Neither of us had a bad relationship, she was far too nice for anyone to be really quite mean to but I was uncomfortable with apologising but would be even more so if I didn't. I continued walking to the train. Abraxas grabbed me from behind, and held me above the ground. He was the only person who ever did that, and lived. Of course I held favouritism towards him.

"Ariana, it's been so long!" he whined.

"I swear, Abraxas, you're getting more girlier than myself," Samara's voice sounded from behind him. "Now put her down."

He abruptly put me down. I turned, and she smiled at me.

"Avril's not here yet," she said, "so Abraxas's life is safe . . . for now."

"What did you do, Abraxas?" I asked him, with an amused smirk.

He scratched his head. "A prank, well, backfired, and onto Bardell."

"Talking about me, hun?" Avril's voice sounded, I turned my head to see that she was walking onto the train with a very evil smirk. "Did you tell them about that night . . ."

"I don't really want to know where you're going with this, so . . . Samara," I said quickly. Samara started to walk, and I followed her to the compartment of which she had taken.

"Oi, first years, get out," I sneered at them.

One of them glared, and stayed, while the other two scampered out. "Who do you think you are?" he asked defiantly. "I am Jack Grindelwald, the son of Gellert Grindelwald."

I smirked. "Grindelwald?" I asked him. "The son of Gellert Grindelwald?"

"Yes," he lied.

I grinned darkly, and walked towards him in a very slow, and menacing matter. I stopped, put a hand on my hip, bent slightly to put my face by his. "You bear no resemblance. How can you prove it?"

"Why should I prove it?" he sneered right back.

Samara sat next to him, and put her arm around him, my smirk grew more. "Oh, you can't prove it, can you?"

"I don't have to!" he told me. "So if you want to keep your ignorant life, I'd leave!"

I stood up straight. "Are you even a pureblood?" I asked him impatiently before taking the ring around my neck and saying, "Do you even know what this is?"

He glanced at it. "What about it?" he asked me, glaring.

I showed it to him, and his eyes widened.

"It's a fake," he whispered.

A smirk appeared on my lips. "Oh, you are a pureblood then," I smiled, "no doubt a Slytherin as well. Now leave, if you want to keep your ignorant life or something along those lines."

He quickly went to the door and I added, "By the way, I'm going to make sure you don't forget who I am."

Ariana Grindelwald (Tom Riddle Love-Story).Where stories live. Discover now