Chapter Eleven.

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2016 me: What the hell did I write all those years ago??????? totally changed. omg wtf child. *is actually not even better*

So, the next night was when we decided I'd break into the library and find books on snakes. I contemplated just asking Tom, but that wasn't fun and I couldn't let on to them I knew anything, so I didn't. I grabbed my wand off the bedside table when the breathing of my roommates settled into a slow rhythm and got out of my bed. 

I decided to the bathroom. Really, for the sole purpose of possible teachers roaming the halls - they can't deny your access to a bathroom in the dead of the night.

At least, I didn't have to bump into any of the teachers, some actually escorted me there and back. I wasn't sure about other students, but even I had to admit, I was a suspicious student. But I wasn't petrifying the students. After closing the door to the cubicle, I heard footsteps. I didn't take much notice until I heard a male speak, sounding like they were choking.

"Riddle, what the hell are you doing in a girl's bathroom?" I asked, reopening the door upon seeing said dark haired boy looking in my direction.

He seemed slightly fazed, he was in a girls' bathroom, and annoyed that I called him by his Muggle Father's name, before he said, "Close your eyes."

I raised my eyebrows at him questioningly. Because that was following his instructions to a tee.

He glanced over his shoulder towards the taps before walking over quickly and grabbing me, actually forcing my face into his chest and said, "Don't look."

I stilled, hearing a slithering. I put two and two together and it was obvious, the entrance was in here. Why is it in a girls' bathroom? Salazar Slytherin wasn't a girl. What a pervert. I frowned slightly and he released me. Silent, I put my hands up and left the bathroom. I sure as hell wasn't going there again.

I decided to go up to the library before the second trip to the bathroom, dropping my hair from the bun I had it in. I found a book that said the snake was probably a basilisk, found something about spiders and left, putting it in a robe pocket that had an undetectable extension charm on it and started to walk to the closest bathroom.

I ended up walking past Tom, but then I heard two teachers talking and I looked back at Tom just as he looked back at me, both momentarily alarmed. We looked around and while I did spot the broom closet, I decided to not offer that. But he did. He walked over, grabbing my wrist and pushing me in and stepping in with me, leaning right above me.

Then one happened to say that he was going to open the cupboard, a muffled sound, sure saying how far away he was. I went through quite a few situations in the matter of a second, then I decided what I was going to do. Though, it was kind of something I'd been wondering about for a while.

"What're you doing?" he hissed as I shook my head and messing up my hair a little.

"Shut up," I hissed back then threw my arms around his neck and pressed my lips to his. He froze for a short moment before he wrapped his arms around my waist, lifted me higher, pushing me against a wall and our kissing turned into quite the session. Suddenly, this kiss felt like it was more than just a 'get out of trouble' card. And I really didn't care right now.

A throat cleared and I was, ever regrettably, pulled back down to reality.

I pulled my head away from his, leaning it against the wall to see past him and we both looked over at Slughorn and Dumbledore standing in the doorway with stunned expressions. It was no secret that we didn't like each other, and sure, we may be engaged, but it was obvious that neither appreciated it. Until now. Tom abruptly dropped me and I landed, before fixing my hair and giggling almost awkwardly as Tom cleared his throat. Oh, a button had come undone.

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