Chapter Four.

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LlamaCat created another character- Caileb Lestrange - and so did TheLastTimeLady who created the new character, Rain Jewel Shadow.

I decided I should post it, it's been a while.


The next morning excited me. For one thing, it was a Friday, and Friday's, in general, were just a day I liked. It was the last day where everybody was anticipating their amazing weekends, and find themselves bored witless when it comes.

It's the days where people plan amazing things, and then are let down.

That morning, I saw Abraxas leaving with that Riddle, and Lucah. I couldn't help but narrow my eyes when he sent me yet another smug look over his shoulder. This game is on, and Fridays are not as amazing as they were a moment ago. When he left, I turned to Poppy Mcmordie, her surname name was familiar but I didn't know why, who was one of my roommates, with a smile. I found her hair annoying, it was a bright red colour, and a green colour.

She smiled back, and walked over.

"Want to go to breakfast together?" I asked her, rather having somebody else, just so, if we got lost, I could say it was her.

"Sure," she replied. "So, Hogwarts, it's pretty cool, isn't it?" she asked as we were leaving.

I smiled, but finding small talk stupid. "Yes," I agreed. "I can't wait until the classes though."

A nervous look appeared on her face for only a fraction of a second. "I can't wait either."

I forced a laugh, it sounded genuine.

"Poppy!" a male voice called, and she turned around quickly, with a bored expression.

"Yes?" she asked, with a tone of impatience.

It was amazing how fast her personality changed. If I remembered correctly from last night, he was Cygnus Black. He had short, black hair, that was styled neatly on the top of his head.

"No need to take that tone," he said, annoyed himself. "I was going to say, you left this." He grabbed out a rather impressive looking necklace.

She took it, rolling her eyes. "Was that really all?"

He gave her an annoyed look. "Oh, I'd also like to say, learn some manners."

She glared at him, and I really couldn't help but be amused. She walked on ahead, already seemed to have forgotten about me. Cygnus turned to me, with a tight smile.

"Ah, yes, you're Ariana Grindelwald, am I correct?" he asked.

I forced yet another smile. "Indeed I am."

"Then let me tell you this now," he said, his smile gone his voice soon cold. "She's not quite a nice person to be around. You shouldn't be. You seem to nice for that."

Now that was even more so amusing. "Well, I'm not," I replied, my voice colder than his. I then turned without another word and continued down the hallway and found the Great Hall.

Riddle smiled at me, a polite, slightly smug smile as I sat opposite Abraxas. I smiled back in the same kind of way.

"What a . . . pleasure to see you again," he said coolly. Both Cygnus and Abraxas looked from him to me, wondering what was happening.

"Indeed it is," I said, my voice falsely warm. "And if it means anything to you, don't expect any sort of apology."

He laughed a little, the laugh was kind of high pitched. "Not that I would have forgiven you for such a thing."

Ariana Grindelwald (Tom Riddle Love-Story).Where stories live. Discover now