Chapter Thirteen.

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To say that Dumbledore was as impressed with me just as much as Slughorn was impressed with Tom about our relationship would be about right. They both were not pleased at all. For, in Dumbledore's eyes, I could be a good student and Tom was too far gone, while Slughorn thought Tom was a good students I was so far gone I would corrupt him. But, in fact, we shared the same views.

What I did happen to find slightly unnerving about our views was that I was raised to think as such, he, on the other hand, was not. He had been influenced and I certainly hoped it was just our mutual friends.

It was the Christmas holidays, but I decided to stay at school while literally every student except Tom and I left. To put it simply, it would be more or less the same, my Father wouldn't be there, he was busy running a muck in France.

On Christmas day, the Professors remained, excluding Professor Binns, he was sort of forced to stay, and there was one table in the Great Hall. Professor Dippet, Dumbledore and Michaelis. There was another, I'd never seen her before, black hair, blue eyes, sharp but soft features, quite pretty who was speaking with Professor Michaelis. A seventh year, I'd think.

I sat next to her and Tom sat on my other side.

"This," Professor Dippet started to say, "is Isabel Snare. She's just arrived."

She smiled and nodded in our direction.

"I'm Ariana Grindelwald and he's Tom Riddle," I answered, I felt his fingers on my thigh dig in and I held in the smirk as I kept my eyes directly on her.

She paused in all her movements before she nodded. She didn't seem very fearful about Grindelwald, just seemed to be processing information. She then got to her feet and said, "I'm going to have a look around, and maybe find Bex, excuse me."

She might be a little scared. As if she had heard that thought, her eyes turned directly on me and she smiled before she pulled on her Slytherin scarf as she left the room, shooting a look over at Professor Michaelis who had simply smiled tightly.

"We should show them around," Tom told me and I shrugged before we left.

We found her in the courtyard with another girl wearing a Hufflepuff scarf. She must also be a new student. I supposed this to be Bex. She, also, was quite pretty, she wore glasses covering bright green eyes.

I stepped around the corner and smirked before saying, "You'd be Bex, right?"

She looked over at me and tilted her head. "Yes. Bex Lestrange. You are?"

"Ariana Grindelwald," I replied.

"And, let me guess," she stated, looking over at Tom, "Tom Riddle?"

"Voldemort," he corrected.

"Nah," Bex replied after a moment. "I'm not particularly sure why, but the the mental image I have of a 'Voldemort' is bald, old, red eyes, no nose and just generally a creep and he doesn't even like to be called Voldemort. Somebody you don't resemble at this current stage in your life, but you're still young."

Isabel chuckled before turning around and started to walk.

"Don't leave me here alone," Bex called, turning abruptly and holding her arm out to Isabel.

Isabel chuckled before turning, "Then hurry up."

"Well, excuse you, but did you forget my leg is actually out of order for a week?" Bex asked.

Isabel rolled her eyes before walking back over.

Bex decided to say as she walked over, "Which one of us decided to actually remove my bone?'

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