Chapter Seventeen.

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"Could you please elaborate?" I asked.

"Nah," she answered, leaning back. "It could hinder your decisions."

"Aren't you already hindering them?"

"Likely," Isabel answered before smiling.

"Is that why you weren't scared when you found out my name?" I asked, staring at her. Studying her.

She leaned forwards, her kind smile on her face as she said, "Yup." The thing was ... I didn't know if she was being honest or not. She had said it incredibly sarcastically. She raised herself to her feet while saying, "Feel free to stay as long as you'd like."

Then she walked around her room and stepped out. I was very sure that she wasn't scared of my Father.

I looked around the room before getting up and walking around the desk. I looked at the things on top - or lack thereof. She had a perch for the Phoenix who sat on it watching me. There was some parchment, essays it looked like, and books across the desk. Quills and inkpots.

But not much else. I went to pull at a draw to find it was sealed. I frowned before attempting the next few to find they were all sealed.

I rolled my eyes before looking at everything on display. There was nothing personal in here. Just decoration to show her character maybe. It was mildly disorganised yet there didn't seem to be any personal items. I attempted the door, sure it wasn't going to open. I was correct.

So I left. She revealed nothing about her and I wasn't going to risk opening anything and having her know I did. I had tried the simple unlocking spells at every one but they hadn't worked.

I stopped as Tom stepped around the corner.

"What were you talking about?" he asked casually, leaning against the doorframe.

"What I can do in the future," I answered, "I just found that she has no fear for my name and not my Father."

"I wouldn't understand why not," he replied with a frown, before he tilted his head and his face fell back into his neutral expression. He looked at me sideways before saying, "Anything else?"

"No," I lied, not telling him about Isabel not being born yet. I then smiled and asked him, "Did she walk this way?"

He looked over his shoulder and said, "That way. Why?"

"She's interesting," I answered before walking in that way.

He grabbed my wrist and said, "Don't."

I stopped, thought about why he wouldn't want me to, then I asked, "You put the snake on her?"

Tom nodded, looking very casual, "Maybe she'll be afraid, then."

There was a loud bang not too far from where we were. I looked towards it then back at Tom. He was already walking. I followed and a moment later, a light of golden orange swooped right past us and rounded the corner. We picked up our paces.

When we saw her, she was walking back this way. As she got closer, she stopped and said, looking directly into Tom's eyes, "Don't mistake me for a nice person, Riddle. That was your only warning."

Then she looked over her shoulder and started to walk away. She had rounded the corner as students started to flood the hallways. Now was 

"There was a seriously large spider," I said when I saw a Professor walk around.

Tom nodded once in confirmation. "I believe we know what's behind the attacks."

I looked over my shoulder to where Isabel had walked and thought she has no reason to be scared of anyone.


"Let's go back to my room," Tom told me as he got back to the common room, not many people in here but nobody in our specific group.

Now, that wasn't exactly a proposition from him. It was where he wanted to talk his plans. He liked planning about petrifying mudbloods, causing fear.

I made a quick decision basing off how he looked. He looked like he wanted to tell me something but here wasn't a good place for that. So I got up and said, "Alright."

He had his room cleared out of people as I jumped onto his bed. Most of them were the friends we had made over the years and ones I had separated myself from. Now I had no friends. I'd be an idiot to think that Tom could be trusted with my weaknesses.

As much as he'd tried to get them. The only weakness he knew about was him and quite frankly, I'd been spending a lot of time giving things up over my entire life.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked as he stood, hands behind his back as he kept his eyes on the door.

"Lestrange should've been dead," he told me. "She looked it in the eye."

I frowned. Isabel had told me that the stuff was illegal and I really couldn't tell Tom now. Not after lying about that for that long. But so illegal it brought her back to life? Wow.

"They seem to have taken a liking towards you," he then said, now looking directly at me. "Do you think there's anything they could do?"

I looked down to his feet and said, "Horcruxes."

The way his feet shifted made me think that he hadn't really thought about that. "What do you know about horcruxes?"

"They're ripped pieces of a wizard or witches soul placed in items," I replied, looking back at his face, "making it almost impossible for someone to fully die."

I found he didn't hold my Father's philosophy. Tom wasn't planning on dying.

"Maybe that's why she was missing for so long," I theorised, every word a lie. 

He considered that for a moment before nodding and wondering aloud, "I wonder if Professor Michaelis knows that his wife and her friend aren't good people."

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