Chapter Six.

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Dedicated to DreamBelieveWrite for creating Sarah Mitchell. This is so modern day for the late 1930s.


It was quite boring for a while now, there wasn't much going about these days, I'd say life was really just that boring, you know?.

Riddle had missed two weeks, and when he was out, he wasn't pleased with me. I'd gotten two detentions cleaning random parts of the school.

I didn't realize how much fun I had with torturing Riddle. At the moment, we were in Defense Against the Dark Arts, doing a practical lesson. We were learning 'Locomotor Mortis', the leg locking spell. Professor Michaelis pairing myself and Riddle together.

I smirked, and hexed him, calling, boredly, "Locomotor Mortis." The spell hit him exactly where I was aiming, and his legs locked together. At the same time, he sent one at me, and my legs were locked together. I pointed my wand at myself, "Finite." I stood back up, and watched him carefully. "That can't possibly be your first try," I sneered. "You're too stupid for that."

He sat up, his legs still locked. "I will admit, it wasn't my first, my first failed," he smirked. "It was my second."

I smirked as well. "Maybe you're not as stupid as I thought you were."

"That couldn't have been your first," he told me.

"You're right, it's the seventeenth time I've done it," I told him. "The first time I tried, it was weak, but it worked."

He scowled.


The year and the next few years passed quite quickly, there were eventful things that did happen. Avril Bardell's parents were killed rather brutally, while Caileb Lestrange took a liking towards her. They had a brief relationship, but she found that Caileb was an obnoxious numbskull.

She said that she rather liked me because I wasn't a "dull minded bitch", as she put it. Avril did say I was a bitch, but I was one of those bitches who had a reason to be a bitch. I, quite honestly, didn't know what to think at that but it kinda made some sort of sense.

Nor was she as hyperactive as she used to, she actually became rather . . . well, generally unhappy. I didn't like the concern I felt for her either, which showed me that she and I had gotten closer than we should have. But okay then.

Avril didn't like Abraxas, and Abraxas didn't like Avril. They generally hated each other. But they could sit in the same room. I asked why, and apparently, as a child, Abraxas tipped a glass of ice-cold juice on Avril, and she beat him up. They were four. It had carried on for that long.

Currently, we were on the train back home. I was looking forwards to seeing my Father. The compartment consisted of myself (obviously) Riddle, the Lestrange cousins, Lucah and Caileb,  Abraxas, McNair, and Avril.

"That year was too bloody easy," Avril, the Hufflepuff, said. "I hope there's something worthwhile."

"That was bloody hard!" Lucah exclaimed.

"Well, you're a no brained idiot, so I wouldn't expect much from you," Avril replied coolly.

I smiled at her statement. Riddle and I had come to a truce of sorts. We were forced to, actually. We just happened to like the same people, and I wasn't going to lose them to him. Anyway, the pair of us were not allowed to hex each other, or talk to each other in a negative and foul manner. Neither of us were pleased to be ordered around like that but it made the most sense.

Eventually, the train arrived at Kings Cross, and we all started to pile off. Riddle looked foul as he got off, Abraxas dragged me to meet his parents. What was this?

"Let go," I told him sharply, snatching my hand from his. He rolled his eyes at me, and I followed him.

"Father," he said to a blonde man. He turned. He looked like an older version of Abraxas. Sharp face, platinum blonde hair, and quite tall. "I would like you to meet Ariana Grindelwald."

His Father raised his eyebrows. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Grindelwald," he said, smiling. "I am Brutus Malfoy."

I smiled lightly. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Malfoy," I greeted. "Alas, it may be a pleasure, I'm afraid I will be late to get back home."

He nodded, so I bid him farewell. I heard a faint bit of praise towards Abraxas, and I smiled in amusement. So that's what he was looking for. Abraxas doesn't do anything without a reason. Of course, I wasn't fond I'd been used like that but hey, I won't have to see him until the end of the holiday when our fifth year started.

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