Chapter Fifteen.

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Samara decided to do something surprisingly unthinkable and told Abraxas, "I'm disowning the family."

Instead of looking at her, I looked around and saw that the people within five seats of the two looked up at her with some interest. I went back to eating.

"What's the purpose of that?" Abraxas asked after the initial quietness.

"Because I am not actually prejudice," she answered simply before walking away, then calling back at me, "Avril feels the same way!"

I shrugged and continued to eat. I had to keep my anger contained.

Tom leaned over and murmured in my ear, "You're okay?"

I glanced over in his direction, this concern out of character, before looking back ahead. "Mm," I replied, taking a bite of my toast and looking forwards.

He pressed his face into my neck and wrapped his hands around my waist as he murmured, "You're not?"

"I don't expect concern from you, stop it," I told him bluntly and he pulled his face away from my neck and I smiled as he shot me an annoyed look, "I expect distraction."

He smirked (why does he have to smirk?) before leaning forwards and kissing me before removing himself from me and saying to Abraxas, "I'm sorry about your sister."

"Don't be, Voldemort," Abraxas replied graciously, looking over at Tom past me, "It was bound to come soon. She's been acting off for months."

"I suppose so," Tom replied, feigning sympathy.

Abraxas sighed before directing the attention on me, "And you, Ariana?"

"Do you really wish to listen to me talk about your sister?" I asked, redirecting the question off me.

"Hm, I would suppose not," he replied. "But who are you planning to talk to, may I ask?"

"Who knows?" I asked with a shrug before looking back at Tom and leaning my head against his shoulder.

Frankly, in this moment, I didn't care and I wasn't talking about this to any of these people. If I had any female friends, I would, but it seemed Avril and Samara were blood traitors, and they happened to be my only two female friends. Tom wouldn't appreciate my speaking to other males.

"Ah yes," he smiled, looking between Tom and I.


2k16 me: Okay, so there used to be an Abraxas and Ariana thing here, but I decided that was stupid because a) Abraxas was hella loyal b) he wouldn't be that upset?? and c) Ariana ain't that stupid to do anything with another male while she was in such an abusive relationship, lol

So short chapter instead. And if you're reading this before I edit the next few chapters, I'm sorry that there's missing story, but I'm not because it was stupid.

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