Chapter Twelve.

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Frankly, my relationship with Tom barely improved from there. Our around others relationship had become a little softer, but that was because I was being a little nicer now. Hell, I'd even taken up the god awful habit of sitting next to him and there was no way he'd missed it. I'd done it for a joke the first few times, couldn't get a seat anywhere else for a while and later kind of just wanted to be there.

Because of our behind closed doors relationship, I started to feel things for him. What with my investigation before the school year started, I learned he was conceived under a love potion so the most he could feel is enjoyment. And I absolutely despised that fact. His Mother was a b*tch. So my feelings were totally one sided.

"OWLs can go burn themselves!" Avril shouted in frustration, her studying was failing. "Like, actually burn themselves in the deepest pit of anywhere with fire."

Samara snorted and said, "Just read."

"Ugh, I'm going to get a drink," she stated as she raised herself to her feet and started to walk.

"Butterbeer, thanks," both Samara and I called at her retreating back.

"Whatever," she replied before turning the corner back inside the castle. We enjoyed the outdoors. It was strange, up until last year, I preferred the company of the boys but now, Samara and Avril were just better company.

Avril came back, four bottles of Butterbeer, two under each arm and three mugs held by the handle in one.

"Thanks," I told her as she passed me a mug. "So, you two, I've something to tell you."

"You and Riddle are making out in broom closets?" Avril joked.

"Not just broom closets."

There was a moment of silence and Samara said, "You're actually being serious, aren't you?"

I nodded, my face totally passive.

"Merlin's bloody beard, that's weird," Avril commented. "But, at least he's pretty."

I chuckled. My excuse in some cases.

"Well, is it like a friends with benefits?" Samara asked.

"I guess?" Except we were engaged.

Avril got to her feet. "I'll be back in two minutes."

Exactly two minutes later, she had a bottle of Firewhiskey and three small glasses. Shots.

Samara raised her eyebrows. "I'd expect her-" she threw her head in my direction- "to have Firewhiskey."

"They do checks on us," I told her. "But do you seriously need to be intoxicated for this conversation?"

"I just wanna make a toast," she replied before pouring us all a bit. We all grabbed a glass and she said, "To Ariana, a whore."

Samara and I grinned, repeating her words, before knocking back the brown liquid that set your mouth on fire.

Avril put the bottle back into her robes and threw the glasses into the lake before facing us again.

"How long?" Samara asked.

"A month."

Avril coughed. "Why?"

"When I grabbed the book, he and I found ourselves in a situation where that seemed like the best idea, and, well, we just continued," I informed.

Samara nodded before saying, "Cute. Merlin's beard, that's such a weird thing to say."

"Well, I get the point," I replied. "But I thought I should tell you."

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