Chapter Eighteen.

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I leaned back on my seat, my eyes closed. I stopped talking to everyone except Tom - but he scared me. Well, I wasn't bothered with them. They were boring. Abraxas just reminded me a little bit too much of his sister and Avril.

There was a pressure to my side and I opened my eyes to look at who. It was a cat. I frowned. What a fat cat. The cat meowed at me. I hesitantly went to pat it. It stretched itself into my hand and started to purr.

I then started to scratch around the pleasantly happy cat. I smiled, watching the handsome cat press itself against my hand. I liked this cat.

It meowed at me when I stopped scratching for a moment, watching who came down the stairs. It was Tom. His eyes landed on me a moment later, attracted by the meow of the cat. I went back to scratching the cat, turning my attention back to the cat as the others followed him down.

"What's with the cat?" Caleb Lestrange asked, his voice loud.

I didn't answer him instead just continued petting the cat. The cat got to its feet and walked over to me before settling down on my lap. Soon, it was asleep. I wasn't completely sure, but I was convinced this cat was a boy. The cat was orange and white, really fluffy and heavy.

"Did you get a cat?" Tom asked, looking at the creature in dislike.

"Maybe," I replied, just to make him mildly annoyed. But she liked this cat. A lot. But the cat probably belonged to someone else.

There was then a voice that was then calling, "Kat, Kat where are you, Ka-"

John Harvill had entered the room and spotted his cat asleep on my lap.

"You called your cat, Cat?" Lucah asked, somewhat bemused.


"The name suits it," I decided to say, looking down at the cat.

"H-him," stammered John.

I smiled in amusement before asking, "Spelt with a C or a K?"

"K," he answered very nervously. He really did not like the Lestrange pair. For good reason, nobody really liked either of them. They were a terrible pair.

"Kat won't leave the common room, but do me a favour and pass me my bag."

John quickly nodded before walking around the group who were immersed in their own conversation and handed me my bag. I pulled things out, careful not to disturb Kat.

"Uh - you can... move him," John stated quietly.

I looked up at him, "But did I?"


"Then he won't move," I told him before opening up my books and ignoring them. I liked the cat named Kat. I'd keep him if he weren't owned. I wouldn't just keep somebody else's cat, that would be stupid.


Tom pushed me against the wall and leaned in close. He wasn't lustful, he was angry. "So, do I kill Abraxas or not?"

"Excuse me?" I asked, leaning back against the wall, in a casual looking attempt of melting into the wall as much as I could.

"I heard what you and he have done," he informed darkly, "Do I kill him?"

"What?" I asked, wondering what the hell he meant. "What're you talking about?"

"I know what you've done."

"I've done nothing," I hissed.

He leaned closer, leaning his upper arm next to my head and asking, very quietly, very calmly, "And what do I do with you?"

If I weren't so terrified, I'd probably be melting. I couldn't help but see that he looked almost edible. But his idea of punishment was not something I wished to experience. At least I could hide my terror.

I just stared back at him, not showing him anything.

A voice cleared behind him. He turned his head and stepped back. Professor Michaelis stood there. He looked mildly amused before he said, "Follow me, you two."

He turned and started to walk. Saved by a Professor, at least, for the meantime. Professor Michaelis looked back at us and gave us expectant looks. Tom started to walk and I followed. Tom attempted to grab my hand but the Professor said, "No contact. This seems to be a common problem amongst you two."

"Well, what can I say?" I stated softly, "We can barely keep our hands off each other."

"You two need to become more discreet," he said, opening the door to his classroom and letting us in, "and to learn some subtlety. Not many people wish to walk into a hallway and witness students getting too intimate for outside the bedroom."

I glanced at Tom, blushing a little and Tom seemed mildly bewildered.

"We, uh, haven't-"

"I don't need to know that," Professor Michaelis informed, taking a seat and saying, "what we also don't need, as a school, is to constantly see two of our top students,one of which a prefect, let alone any student, attached by the face. I believe some students have a tally on how much times they can spot you both in a day. If any Professor catches you two again, we have been given permission to put a spell which will enforce a five foot distance between you two for the day."

"Of course, Professor," we both said, leaving a moment's pause.

He leaned back before he then said, "Well, you two can go now. Keep in mind that you're a prefect, Mr. Riddle."

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