Chapter Eight.

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Sorry, this chapter was hard to write :L So it's tiny, and can hardly be called a chapter, but here we are.

His name was John Harvill, and he was placed in Slytherin, as I thought he would be. He walked on my side of the table. I moved across slightly and said to him, "Sit."

Harvill jumped slightly before begrudgingly doing as I had said. Not like he had any friends right now anyway.

Riddle raised his eyebrows at me. "And why, may I ask?"


Samara turned around from behind him. "Well, My Lord," she added with a very sarcastic tone (Riddle had convinced a lot of people to call him that, but Samara thought it was a huge joke and knowing that he had accepted my Father's proposition, it worried me now). "This little Harvill is now . . . something of a pet."


Harvill really despised Samara, for she was a Ravenclaw who showed so little respect to the people he was learning to respect, and was terrified of Avril, who was, in her own way, terrifying. He always made it clear that he didn't like Samara, while he was trying to act as if he wasn't terrified of Avril, which never went quite well.

"Go down to the kitchen's, and get me a butterbeer," I told Harvill. To make him a slave of sorts was the only thing that I could get a first year to do. But, in exchange, I tutored him with his homework and now he had a little more friends amongst the younger siblings of the others and especially after we were kind of respected amongst Slytherins.

He left the common-room, and Abraxas, who appeared out of nowhere, sat half on my lap, and half on the side of the seat. I dislodged my leg, and moved a little. "This seat is only meant for one," I informed him.

"I remembered something," he told me. "You owe me a date."

I raised my eyebrow at him. "For?"

"First year, on the train, you promised me a date," he told me.

I thought back, though the memory was faulty, I remembered it. "I recall saying something along the lines of stop with the flattery until I'm fourteen."

"Which means you owe me a date."

"Or, you could just, I don't know . . . ask?" I told him pointedly.

He rolled his eyes at me but there was a grin. "Ariana, would you go on a date with me?" he asked.

I smiled lightly, before agreeing to go with him. I was probably going to get into trouble for I was engaged, but I didn't really care about it. I also wanted to know what Riddle would think about the arrangement.

But don't get me wrong, I wasn't doing this for selfish reasons, I did actually like him, not sure if it was romantic but I guess I'd figure it out, and I wished he was a little bit more smarter. He was fantastic in Transfiguration, but was only good in the other classes.

And good wasn't good enough in my Father's eyes. He was follower material. It was kind of disheartening when you thought about how Slytherin's are ambitious and would be very good leaders just generally.

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