Short, Fluffy Story for Valentines

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Which is ridiculous because Tom is a selfish, sardonic and sociopathic af - heh, unintentional alliteration. And Ariana spent more time caring about his looks than she did about his actual personality, lol. So, here's some kinda OOC bs ♥ I kept them in character as much as I could. And this is pre-problems, so before they were even in a relationship. Honestly, I don't know the timeline for my book anymore, so that's unfortunate. 


Honestly, Valentines seemed like a waste of time. But almost everyone's excitement was getting to me. In less than two weeks from now, on Valentines day, we were heading into Hogsmeade. I was pushing down the excitement for Valentines - I may have started to like Riddle, but I wasn't going to disgrace myself in behaving like I was.

"So, are you going to ask anyone out or no?" Samara asked Avril and I - but more Avril, I'd imagine. Avril got herself dates for Valentines and I did not - I had never really been interested.

"No," I replied nonetheless, not even looking at either them, instead watching the clouds pass overhead. Sure, it was quite chilly outside, but the castle really wasn't much better - it wasn't insulated, Madam Pince had a tree or two stuck up her ass and we couldn't get into each other's common rooms.

Avril sighed and landed dramatically onto the grass. "Oh, I can't think who."

"That's unfortunate," Samara replied.

"Who's asked you?" I asked her.

"A few," Samara replied vaguely, "I'm not very interested in the event. I've started to read a series, I don't feel like interrupting it for the sake of another."

"Fair enough," I replied as Avril replied with, "That's fair." Then I asked, "What're you reading?"

"A Spell's Edge by Harold Meadows is the first," Samara told us, before saying, "So, I'm going to leave you to continue it."

"Well, it's too cold out here to be with one person," I stated.

"I agree," Avril replied and we all started towards the castle. Samara left us first, Avril then went down a different corridor as mine towards her own common room and I walked past, stood by the wall for a few seconds, deciding if I wanted to go back to my own common room.

I then continued down the hallway towards the Slytherin common room, let myself in and joined my Slytherin group of friends which mainly consisted of males, and didn't bother talking as I sat next to Tom on the edge of the sofa. Next to him sat Caileb Lestrange.

This wasn't that weird of a feature, this was where I usually sat. And honestly, I couldn't hold these people to a high enough regard where they would notice if I just sat on his lap.

Tom immediately moved the way he sat to make it a little more comfortable for me, letting my arm slip just behind his head where he then started to use as a headrest. Wouldn't be all that comfortable. And letting my bent knee rest across his lap.

I wasn't paying attention and apparently was being called out for it.

"What do you think, Ariana?" Abraxas asked me.

I blinked at him and said, "I don't care about whatever it was you were talking about."

Abraxas shrugged, before giving his input on whatever it was.

After a fair while, I got back to my feet and excused myself upstairs.

When I went back downstairs, Tom was the last one left. I contemplated going back upstairs - it wasn't likely that he was waiting for me. He was probably waiting for a decent time to leave to see his basilisk. But I hadn't come down here to see or not see him, I came down because I wanted away from my roommates.

So I walked in and he looked up, a slow, calculated movement before he saw who it was. He relaxed a little more, leaning back into his seat.

"And what are you doing down here?" he asked.

"You would not believe the amount of excitement others have for Valentines for day," I told him, taking a seat on the edge of the sofa next to him and sitting how I was before. This time, his hand went to my knee.

"I'm quite sure I know," he replied. "Abraxas has been trying to develop the courage to ask you."

"Well, it's a good thing he hasn't," I told him, "I'm not all that interested in Valentines."

"Not even if I were to ask you to stay in the castle with me?" he asked, raising an eyebrow on his very attractive face. "I believe I could arrange quite a romantic evening."

I didn't give myself away, though the giddiness I felt when he said that, instead I just looked up and said, "That depends on if you're asking me."

He took my face, guided my face to look at him, where he had a smirk on his face, his eyebrow still raised. "Sometimes, rhetoric questions have truth behind them."

I leaned down, stopping just above him and said, "Then kiss me if you're going to ask me."

His smirk showed teeth in his amusement before he kissed me, pulling me down further to him with a guiding hand on my back.

He then pulled back. "Kiss me if you're going to say yes."

I grinned at him, leaned back down, kissing him this time.


Yeah, I'm going to leave that there. Maybe next year, you'll get the date if I remember 


Update 1/10/17 - hey guys, this is just a promo for another book I'm writing. An Otherworldy Experience. It's about a girl in the 21st century somehow ending up in Harry Potter series in the Tom Riddle era (and that's not remotely covered and I don't intend to cover it). She gets sorted into Hufflepuff. Book was inspired by, "All of Tom Riddle's actors grew up/have been hot af?????????" and memes. 

Kelli - the main character/oc - isn't really like Ariana, she's a smartass but I kinda live for smartass characters, but you might like it?

Thank you for reading thus far ♥

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