Chapter 6

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(2 months later)

Sarah's P.O.V

Hayes and I are still together and ever since the party Haley and Nash have been together and same with Mel and Matt.

I am really excited because lately I have been talking to someone and I talked him into coming and staying with me so we can all hang out like we used to. Also Haley's friend is staying with her for a few weeks.

I decided since he was coming over today around 1:30 that since it's already noon I better start getting ready for the day. After I got out of the shower I decided since I won't really be going anywhere, today will be a lazy day. So I put on my teal shirt from pink with some NIKE leggings and my mint tennis shoes with a sparkly NIKE symbol, and my hair in a side ponytail.

I walked downstairs and someone was nocking on the door, before I could even get to the door it opened and it was Mel, I guess it was a lazy day for her too, she was wearing a red shirt that said Pumba on it, some NIKE shorts with red vans and her hair up in a bun.

"Hey" "hi so I heard that Haley was having a friend stay at her house for a few weeks" she said while grabbing a water out of my fridge "yeah she is she said she said she would be coming over when she got here." Then the doorbell rang " that's probably her" I told Mel I opened the door and yes it was her she was wearing a kiss t-shirt, shorts, a watch, and her hair up in a ponytail. Her friend Elizabeth was wearing a purple sweatshirt that had 'Cameron Dallas is my boyfriend' written on it, shorts, earrings, rings, purple vans and her hair was up in a messy bun.

"Hey come in" I told them they then walked over to the couch and sat down next to Mel.

Elizabeth must be a huge Cameron Dallas fan... Wait what am I saying every girl is!

"So Elizabeth your a fan of cam?" "Yeah" " So Haley told me that your older than us?" " yeah I'm 18" wow yeah she is older than us.

It's now 1 he should be here any minute, I was about to say something when I heard the doorbell ring "he's here!" I said "who's here?" Haley asked I opened the door and standing there was the one and only

Cameron Dallas

"Hi" I said while giving him a hug then I turn around to let him in and all the girls jaws dropped to the ground "OH" "MY" "GOSH" "ITS CAMERON DALLAS" Elizabeth said "yup!" I said popping the p. "Cam the girl in purple is Elizabeth, the one in the kiss shirt is Haley, and the one in red is Mel" " hey" he said then they couldn't hold in their fan girl in any longer they came running up to us and gave him a huge group hug nocking me on the floor.

"Sorry Sarah" I heard Haley say they finally stopped attacking him with hugs and cam helped me up off the floor "are you ok?" "Yeah I'm fine".

Later in the evening

Elizabeth's P.O.V

I can not believe I have been hanging out with cam! " nice sweatshirt" he told me, aaaahhhh he finally talked to me, wow I need to calm down. "Thanks" I need to make sure I act normal especially when I meet the rest of them, I mean Haley is dating Nash, what could get any better than that!

Cam's P.O.V

"So where will I be sleeping at?" I asked  Sarah "Oh in the basement we have a bedroom down there" "cool thanks" "here I'll show you where it's at"

Once I put my stuff in the room I decide to go and talk to Elizabeth

"Hey" "hi" "So your a fan?" I asked her "yeah I am" " cool have you ever met me before cause you seem familiar" "actually I have not I would absolutely love to but I can't" " yeah I understand but now you won't have to go!" She gave me a confused look " since I'm here we can take a few pictures of you want" " sure! That would be amazing thanks!" She then hugged me "sorry I'm just really excited" "no it's ok don't be" I then pulled her in for a hug

She then told me to come outside to take pictures she had Haley come and take them with her phone

"Can I get a stage kiss picture?" She asked me "sure" I decided to make a move right as the picture was taken. I moved my thumbs away from her lips and kissed her, she was very surprised but she did eventually kiss back. She pulled away and started to blush which I thought was cute.


Hey I'm so sorry I had to end this chapter this way I will be busy with band camp starting this week and school is coming up so my chapters will be kinda short but hey we are all busy sometimes! I will be updating every other weekend after I add chapter 7 which I probably do Wednesday which is my only free day except the weekends!

Thanks a million

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