Chapter 18

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So I just feel like this book is like a train and it was on track heading in the right direction no now that I have added a few different characters I feel like the train has fallen off the tracks and the wheels are still spinning but not going anywhere so I will put the train back on the tracks with Sarah and Hayes.
Now back to the story!

Sarah's P.O.V

When I got up it was around 11 and I knew Hayes wouldn't be awake right now for me to give him a good morning call cause who doesn't want to hear their boyfriends morning voice. So with that being said I decided to cook all of us pancakes for breakfast I cooked a couple with chocolate chips and a lot without. Then I went to wake up the girls while the food is still hot.

After we all ate breakfast and Haley and Mel left it was around 12 so I decided to call Hayes and if he was asleep I don't really care cause he needs to get his sleepy but up out of bed

(Their phone convo.)

S- "Did I wake you up?"
S-" Sorry I just wanted to talk to you and say good morning."
H-" Sure I know how you are Sarah you only called to hear my morning voice."
S-" That's not true! Well it's half true but it's not true."
H-" Alright say whatever you want babe."
S- " Can we hangout today cause I feel like we haven't really gotten the chance to in a while just the two of us."
H-" Sure I would love it do you want me to come over or..."
S-" yes! Please? Cause I feel like being so lazy I don't want to move from the couch."
H-" alright I will see you around 2?"
S-" Sure see ya then. Love you."
H-" love you."

(End of phone call)

After the phone call I ran up to my room and took a shower and threw on Hayes Capitol the dye hoodie and some leggings. And put my hair into a French braid.

Then I heard a knock on the door and ran down the stairs trying not to trip but I wasn't lucky and tripped on the second to last step.

"Sarah! Are you alright" my dad said
"Yeah I'm fine will you open the door it's Hayes." I said rubbing my head after he opened the door I saw Hayes and he looked at me with a worried look and walked over and sat next to me.

"What happened?" He asked
"I fell down the stairs it was only one step that I missed though." I replied
"Ok do you want to make some popcorn while I put the movie in?" He asked
"Sure" I slowly got up and made my way to the kitchen and made some popcorn and got Hayes a soda and myself a water. After the popcorn got done cooking I went back to the living room and sat down next to Hayes and cuddled into him and set the bowl in his lap.

"What is this movie?" I asked not recognizing it when it started
"Halloween H20" he replied
"Awesome. You know me so well." I said
"I know." He said

Halfway through the movie I fell asleep on Hayes. Then I heard a camera click that make me wake up. "This is going in your scrap book." My mom said sounding like one of those weird moms

"Ugh." I said and got up and Hayes moved so both of us were laying down. "No funny business guys!" My dad yelled.
"There won't be any I promise sir." Hayes responded.

Then I fell asleep cuddled in Hayes arms.

I know this is some what of a short chapter but like I said in the beginning I am trying to get this story back on track.
So I hope you guys like it and after finals I will be writing a lot more during Christmas break.


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