Chapter 2: "You were obviously only doing it because you're a slut."

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The sun beats down on me as I dig up another pile of dirt. Maybe I was wrong about the whole 'this'll be a piece of cake' thing...

Lots of the boys have gone in. But I'm surprised to see Justin sitting at the edge of his hole, staring into space. Usually he's one of the first few done.

I wipe the sweat from my forehead. "Justin?"

He looks up at me, waiting for me to continue. I don't actually know what I'm going to say.

"Um, what are you doing?"

He sends me a slight glare. "What does it look like I'm doing?"

He looks down at his hole.

I take a look at it. "It looks finished. Why aren't you inside?"

"Why do you give a fuck?" he spits.

I give up. If he wants to be a rude bitch, he can be one to someone else.

I go back to my hole and start digging.

It takes awhile but I finally measure the hole with my shovel and it fits. Inwardly high-fiving myself, I drop my shovel with the rest of them and head inside.

Justin still hasn't come in yet.

I sit at an armchair, tapping on the arm of it with my fingers. I wonder where Justin got his notepad and pen from. I could do with them to pass the time.

After about fifteen minutes, Justin shows up. He's got that same glum expression. With him is his notepad and pen.

Seating himself at a couch against a wall, he begins scribbling away. I wonder what he's drawing now.

I stare at him for ages. I can't help it. There's something about him that fascinates me. And it's not just his stunning good looks.

After awhile, I go over to Midge who's talking to Ben.

"Hey, guys," I smile.

"Hey, Kat," Midge says.

"Hey, how long have you known Justin?" I ask them both.

They look at each other before looking back at me.

"About six months," Ben says, Midge nodding in agreement. "That's how long we've been here and he's been here the whole time."

"Have you noticed he's been acting differently lately?" I ask, curiously.

Midge shrugs, taking a glance at Justin. "I never talk to him so I wouldn't know."

"Okay, yeah, but he was sitting at his hole for ages and he's been ignoring me since last night." I sigh.

Ben gives me an odd look. "What happened last night?"

I look away. "Uh, I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?" Midge asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing happened last night, why does it matter anyway?" I blurt out, staring down at my feet, letting my hair fall over my face.

Ben snickers. "Have you always been such a bad liar?"

"Kat." Midge shakes my shoulder softly to look at him. "What happened last night?"

I stay quiet, staring at the wall behind the two boys.

Ben's mouth gapes open. "You guys had sex?" he whispers in shock.

"What!?" I whisper loudly. "No way! What do you take me for?"

He puts his hands up defensively. "Sorry, I just thought with Justin being your cellmate and all..."

"Is Justin some manwhore or something?" I ask, since everyone's asking if we've had sex.

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