Chapter 7: "Don't like remembering that you're sitting on a killer's lap?"

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"Good to know!" Justin shouts to his friends as he walks away from them.

The bell rings so I leave the table, not before saying goodbye to Midge and Ben first.

"What's up with your friends?" I ask as I meet Justin at the door.

His eyes turn soft as they meet mine.

"Oh, it's nothing, babe." He gives me a reassuring smile as we walk out with the others.

When everyone's outside, we look over at piles and piles of logs and a bunch of axes next to them.

Seriously? We're chopping up logs? So creative, Spuckler. And axes? Always good for prison...

But no one is here.

Justin hugs me from behind, resting his chin on my shoulder. I turn my head to face him. He pushes his lips against mine. I smile into the kiss, resting my hands on his, as his strong arms wrap around my waist. He flickers his tongue against mine as I caress his hands.

When we're out of breath, we part our lips from each other.

"What was that all about?" I laugh, making Justin grin.

"Happy birthday, beautiful." He answers my question before kissing my cheek.

I totally forgot it was my birthday.

"Oh, thank you." I smile.

A snarky cough brings our attention back to reality.

We look up at the Chief, glaring down at us.


"Are you two done sucking each other's faces off?" he snaps.

A few chuckles come from behind us. I look at my feet, feeling embarrassed that he witnessed us.

Justin's reaction is totally different though.

"Hey, we're dating. We're allowed to fucking kiss."

"Dating?" The Chief scoffs. "Usually dating consists of going on dates. Where are you two going to go? A nice cell, hmm?"

Justin steps forward, looking protective. "At least you wouldn't be there."

More chuckles are heard.

The Chief is glaring at Justin, but Justin is just glaring back.

"What was I thinking? Putting a girl in a cell with you, Bieber?" Spuckler smirks, Justin looking angrier with every word that comes out of his mouth. "You'd sleep with any girl, wouldn't you? Pity this one fell for you so easily."

My mouth drops.

I notice Justin's hands by his side, the veins in his wrists throbbing and his knuckles gone pale as he clenches his fists.

"You don't even know me." Justin growls.

"I can imagine the type of guy you are. The type to trick girls into thinking you're a hero. When in fact you're nothing but a cold...cold...killer."

I softly take Justin's hand in mine, giving it a comforting squeeze.

"Justin..." I whisper softly, so only he can hear. "Ignore him. He's trying to get you worked up."

His hand slowly relaxes in mine.

"Why don't you keep out of my business?" Justin hisses to Chief Spuckler. "Is your life not interesting enough for you?"

All the Chief does is snarl.

Justin walks passed him to the pile of axes and picks one up. He looks it up and down. "So are we gonna get started or what?"

In Love With A PrisonerWhere stories live. Discover now