Chapter 24: "I'm so glad you're okay."

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What's that loud shout I keep hearing? Is someone in trouble?

My eyes snap open and flood me with light. Oh. No one's in trouble.

"Get up now or I'll come in there!"

Slowly, I sit myself up. My heart beat picks up dramatically as I look down, expecting my boyfriend to be awaking right next to me. But the spot's empty. The bed above me is empty. And other than myself, the cell is empty.

"How could he still be gone?" I ask myself worriedly. Where is he?

I walk out of the cell, only a few prisoners still barely woken as they slug out of their cells. Did I wake up late?

Of course. Justin obviously woke up before me and left for breakfast.

Quickening my pace, desperate to find him and, more so, what state he's in, I barge through the CC door.

Images of last night flash through my mind, only causing me to fret even more. It wasn't just the punch that makes the hairs on my arms stand on end. It was everything. The expression Justin could've possibly held for hours that day has imprinted itself in my mind.

I file through the small groups of prisoners, making their way to the line in the meal room.

"Justin?" I call out, not caring what people are thinking of me right now. My eyes graze over the slightly familiar heads but none are the right one.

Now I'm arguing over which question to repeat in my head. Maybe it shouldn't be Where is he? But more, What has the Chief done to him?

The Chief will jump at any opportunity to punish Justin. A punch to the face would only get him excited and start his brain whirring for wicked punishments he could inflict upon the boy.

Brad and Blake are in line, inching their way forward as the line progresses. It's difficult, but I dodge prisoners and climb over benches until I'm with them.

At sight of me, they turn to completely face me. "Hey, how's Justin doing?" Brad asks, his eyes filled with a deep concern.

Gulping, my eyes flicker between the two boys as they wait for the answer I'm supposed to have.

"I..." My lips go dry almost instantly as I think about their question. How is Justin doing? "I don't know where he is," I finally manage to blurt out.

"If he's not here he's probably in the bathroom," Blake suggests, acting calm.

Sparing no time, I awkwardly rush out of the line wedged between the two long dining tables. All of the prisoners are in line or sitting down eating so there's no one to block an easy exit.

Taking hurried steps, I push open the bathroom door like my life depends on it.

"Justin, are you in here?"

What type of question is that? Am I expecting a no from him?

Automatically, I turn in the direction of the corner I found him huddled in yesterday. But alas, he's not there. And as I spend another quick minute searching the rest of the bathroom and all its stalls, I realise he's not here either.

"Goddammit, Justin," I curse, a mixture of different feelings swirling around in me. A strong sense of nausea spreads through my stomach.

I practically run back through the meal room door.

Going over to the boys eating and talking animatedly, I don't bother sitting down. "He's not in the bathroom either." My voice is slightly shaky, as it feels that every sentence I say is a step towards admitting something bad really has happened to him.

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