Chapter 31: "I'll be waiting for you Justin."

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For a couple of days, I've noticed Chief Spuckler has been lurking in the CC, looking around at all the prisoners.

His odd behaviour interests me which is the reason I keep looking at him for a second or two, every time he's in here.

Countless times, we've looked at each other.

I always quickly look away, but still wonder why we keep getting the timing right to look each other's way.

Is he watching me more than the others?

Sometimes, he's stayed in the room for hours, doing nothing but watching...observing.

As I vaguely listen to what Cameron and his friends are saying, I see the Chief walking up to us from the door which is where he spends the time watching us all.

"May I have a word?" he says, looking down at me.

The conversation next to me dies down straight away as the boys look up at the Chief.

"Sure." I stand up.

We walk back over to the door.

He crosses his arms together, almost smirking at me.

"I'd like you to tell me what's going on between you and Justin." He says rather politely.

Why did I not guess it would be about Justin? It always is...

"Nothing." I answer quite truthfully, though making sure I don't add any detail.

It's none of his business.

"And what exactly does that mean?" he asks, pushing for more.

"It means none of your business." I snarl.

"Whatcha doin', Kat!?" I hear Justin shout from across the room.

Both Spuckler and I turn to look at him.

"Telling him everything he wants to know!?"

I roll my eyes, realising what he's implying.

"Doesn't take much to get her to spill, does it Sir!?" he says.

I bite my tongue from yelling out how I had said nothing, and him shouting at me like that has given the Chief more information than I had.

I look back at the Chief, my eyes full of spite.

Fine, if he expects me to talk, I will.

"I broke up with him." I say. "That's all."

He nods his head, making me think he had that idea in the back of his mind.

"And why did you do that?"

"Because he's an asshole."

A grin finds its way onto his face. "You finally see it too?"

I give him a strange look. "Did he call you a slut and blow up at you for having other guys kiss you? No. So I don't see why you think he's an asshole."

Something inside me feels like I had just defended Justin but I'm not sure if I had and if it was on purpose.

The Chief raises an eyebrow. "I see."

Then with a clearing of his throat, he gazes back at me. "But I don't expect you to understand why I hate him so much."

"Well I probably could. Of course, it can't be a very small reason because you treat him horribly. I'm definitely not accepting that he just looked at you funny or something."

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