Chapter 32: "I'm sorry have we met?"

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I hold the piece of paper in my hands, the wind blowing through my messy hair.

The number matched the one on the bricks of the house.

My stomach keeps doing somersaults and it makes me feel like throwing up. Still, I stuff the crinkled paper into my jeans pocket and open the little gate. I exhale deeply, trying to keep my confidence as I follow the path to the front steps.

At the door, I shake my hands to be rid of the nerves and I gulp loudly. I determinedly knock three times before my confidence flees from my body.

I stand nervously, waiting for the door to open. My backpack starts to slip off as it's done ever since I put it on, so I decide to leave it at my feet. Thirty seconds go by and no one comes out and I start to regret doing this. But as I'm about to turn and leave, the handle starts to move and my heart stops.

Then I'm face to face with a middle-aged woman. She has dark brown hair, stopping at her shoulders. I part my lips, staring at her, my body frozen to the spot but my mind racing for what to say.

"Can I help you?" she asks, frowning at me in confusion.

I try to put the words into a sentence but my brain's gone blank so I say the one word I possibly could. "K-Kat."

The woman gives me a strange look, her eyes wandering from my head to my toes. "Uh, who are you?" she asks, but the tiny bit of politeness in her voice is drowned under all the curiosity she has.

My throat dries up. If this is the wrong place, I'll die..

"I'm... My name is..." My eyes haven't moved off hers, despite where she looks and how she looks at me. "J-Justin."

She leans in slightly, looking even more confused.

I hear my stomach rumble but it's purely from the nerves I have, going crazy inside me.

Then her eyes widen and her jaw drops. In an instant, she's thrown her arms around me and puts a hand on my head. My heart beats fast as I stand in her arms, startled by her sudden actions.

"Justin! It's you!" She gasps, stepping back from me and looking at me with her hands to her heart as she smiles widely. "Kat's told me all about you," she gushes.

Kat. She knows Kat. This is the right house!

I grin at the woman and goosebumps form on my skin at the thought of seeing Kat after five years.

"She doesn't live here anymore, I'm afraid," the lady says, still smiling at me.

"Oh," I say, rather disappointed.

"But I can give you her address," she offers enthusiastically.

My heart skips a beat as I eagerly nod. She disappears for a moment to gather some pen and paper.

"She's living in an apartment with a boy, right in the middle of the city," she says as she jots down the address.


"A-A...boy?" I ask, feeling like breaking down right on these steps.

The woman, who I presume is Kat's mother, looks up at me from the paper. Then something dawns on her like she's just realised why I'm so upset about that.

She throws back her head and laughs merrily. "Oh, no, no, no! You have nothing to worry about, sweetie. She is not interested in him and he is definitely not interested in her."

Another laugh follows as she rips the address from the rest of the paper and hands it to me.

Oh well, I guess if she finds the thought of Kat and...this boy being together hysterical, it's a good thing.

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