Chapter 21: "You can't tell Justin about this."

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"What are you doing in our cell?" I ask Sebastian, expecting him to stand up but he remains sitting on my bed.

"Um..." He clears his throat while Justin and I exchange puzzled looks. "Well...while you guys were doing dishes, I was going to my cell and Spuckler came up to me and Chris and said that one of us had to...swap cells with one of yous."

Something inside me freezes and stops me from being able to speak, let alone move.

"What the fuck do mean?"

Sebastian's worried eyes follow mine to Justin.

"Look, man, I'm really sorry. One of you has to go into my cell with Chris. Chief's instructions."

I stare down at Sebastian who is twiddling his thumbs nervously, knowing Justin won't like that news.

"That sucks." I groan.

"This is fucking shit," Justin mumbles, stuffing his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants. "I thought he bought your lie about the rash."

Putting on an apologetic face, I stroke Justin's arm. "C'mon, Justin. We know that was a terrible lie."

"And he's a gullible bastard. They go together perfectly."

Sebastian stands up, looking between me and Justin.

"Fuck it, I'm not moving."

"Oh, um, then I'll go to Chris' cell," I say, turning around.

Justin forcefully grabs my wrist, refraining me from walking out. "No. We're not moving."

"Justin." I sigh, knowing he wouldn't handle this well. "We're supposed to be happy, remember?"

He stands silent, his eyes glued to the stoned ground.

"If we don't go along with his orders, he'll win and all our work will have been for nothing."

Justin doesn't say anything, most likely knowing I'm right.

Breaking the silence, Sebastian coughs awkwardly. "So, uh, who's sharing a cell with Chris?"

"I will," Justin grumbles. It makes sense since they're best friends.

"Alright." Sebastian looks away from Justin, looking like he's feeling guilty, even though none of this is his fault.

For a few seconds we stand in an uncomfortable, eerie quietness.

Then Justin grabs my shoulders and smashes his lips against mine roughly. I kiss back, his tongue deciding this to be a heated make-out session.

Sebastian fakes a cough but doesn't tell us to stop, obviously feeling a little intimidated by Justin.

We continue for a rather large amount of time before hearing light footsteps advancing towards our cell.

"Have they decided who's mo-"

Chris' sentence fades away when he enters the cell. Hearing him let out a small groan, he grabs the hem of Justin's shirt and pulls him off me.

"Hey, what the-"

"C'mon, man. Continue your little love fest tomorrow."

Justin deepens his eyebrows in anger but before he can argue, Chris continues.

"Which one's with me?" he asks, looking at Sebastian, with no effect from Justin's mood.

"Justin," Sebastian answers.

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