The End and a New Beginning

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The prison was where they all met, and where all their relationships grew. Kat and Justin were reunited and had planned their life out together. But they didn't forget about their friends back at Camp Osway; those who they had left, and those who had left them.

Midge and Ben left early in Kat's year of confinement. And after Kat left, Justin was with only his four friends. He shared a cell with his best friend, Chris, to lessen the feeling of loneliness that Kat's departure caused him.

But faces came and went, and Sebastian, Blake and Brad soon found themselves on the bus, leaving the prison grounds. They had their touching words with their two friends, and promised to keep in touch later in the future.

Justin was left with his closest friend by his side. He didn't pay attention to anyone else that left the prison or any of the new faces that came. He didn't bother trying to make friends, or even show who the boss was around the place. His head was only filled with thoughts and memories of the two people he loved the most, and the two people that left him. But it was peace of mind knowing that neither of them left because of him.

Justin wasn't to blame for Michael's death. He was beginning to assure himself of this. He knew that Mike loved him like a brother, and that he probably only stayed strong for so long because of the support that Justin gave him. They were close enough for Justin to be sure of this. What he did to Michael's bullies was not what anyone wanted... But it happened, and as hard as it was to do, Justin had to learn to accept it. He had to accept what he did, what those three kids did, and what Michael felt he needed to do. Justin liked to think that his best friend was up there, looking down on him and forgiving him for what he had done.

As for his girlfriend, Justin liked thinking of the memory of Kat saying she didn't want to go. It gave him the security for their relationship that he needed to believe that she would be patient and wait for him, no matter how long. She loved him, he knew. Love has incredible boundries. He believed in her.

As the days turned to weeks, and weeks turned to months, Justin's mind filled with so many happy thoughts of Kat; old memories and the memories ready to be made. His imaginary hourglass was filling at the bottom, and when the time came that Chief Spuckler walked into the CC and shared the news with everyone that Justin's time was up, Justin smiled widely, but didn't say a word. Every bone in his muscled body was buzzing with anticipation and wild excitement. His feisty, beautiful girlfriend was his once more - it brought a tear to his eye and down his cheek when he was seated on the bus that was taking him away from prison and to his new life.

Kat and Justin reunited after he met both Kat's mother and her best friend. The two were overwhelmed with emotions when they saw each other for the first time in years. Justin took her to the park as a surprise that she did dearly love. But it didn't stop there... He took her to restaurants, to beaches, to lakes, to cinemas. He wanted nothing from her except her unconditional love that she had given him behind the cell doors of Camp Osway: kisses, hugs, words that could comfort even his deepest doubts and fears. He wanted it all and Kat made it a point to give all she had to him, including her hand in marriage.

But before they got carried away with white dresses and diamond rings, they met up with their friends from prison.

Chris worked at a primary school, not teaching, but basically being a handyman. Not that this stopped him from interacting with the children. The older kids loved having fun, light conversations with him and the younger kids loved receiving piggybacks from him. But aside from all the games and laughter, he was also great at listening to the boys and girls and their problems, with family and friends or schoolwork, too. He'd give advice and turn everything into a positive. The kids loved him for it. They didn't know about his past, but they didn't need to. Chris was Chris. He was happy and helpful. That's all they were interested in. Kat and Justin loved hearing the heartwarming and humorous stories Chris would tell them about the children. Justin's chest swelled with pride when he looked at his best friend and saw how well he was doing after jail. And he wasn't the only one...

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