Chapter 26: "If you haven't noticed Kat life isn't fair."

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When Justin and I are yelled at to wake up, I sit up and observe him as he continues sleeping. A peaceful smile lurks on my face. Hoping it's not too soon, I really think he's okay now. Sure, it may take a bit more time to get him fully happy, but I can handle that.

What terrified me was when he seemed like an entirely different person and you could see the fury radiating off him. But now he looks okay, and that's what's making me happy.

Unfortunately though, he seems to have no interest in getting up, making me wonder how long it took him to get to sleep last night.

"Justin, wake up." I shake him gently. He mumbles and turns over so I can see his sleeping face. "We have to get up now," I say, nudging him.

"Gimme five more minutes," he groans against the blanket.

A sigh passes my lips. With my hands resting on the mattress, I lean down and plant a kiss on his neck. His lips twitch slightly as I kiss it again.

"Get up, Justin."

Then his eyes peek from behind his eyelids and he throws out a massive yawn.

I bite my lip from smiling at him because to him, it'd seem like it's for no reason. And maybe it is. Or maybe I'm just happy that he's here with me.

"Morning, sleepyhead," I giggle. He barely manages to look at me before a faint smirk appears on his face.

"Don't make me come in there!" the booming voice says.

Justin tiredly stands to his feet, me following.

In line for our food, I grab his hand affectionately. Justin smiles while furrowing his eyebrows. "What?"

"Can't I hold my boyfriend's hand?"

He pinches the bridge of his nose, still smiling. "Yeah, of course. Sorry."

I stare at him. "You don't have to apologise."

He squeezes my hand lightly. "It's gonna take time for things to go back to how they were before..." His lips clamp shut, keeping him from speaking anymore.

I'm still waiting for a completed sentence but when I realise he's not continuing, I jump to reassure him. "It's fine, Justin. Of course. However long it takes." His eyes squint as he meekly grins.

After I've been handed my meal, I notice the serving lady is giving Justin a strange look. He doesn't seem to appreciate it because he leaves the line with a slight glare. "Why do people have to act like I've been missing for years?" he mumbles when we've seated ourselves.

I decide to not mention how hysterical I was after one day of him being gone. "I'm sure it just took her by surprise to see you," I say.

Justin scoffs before beginning to eat his breakfast. An urge to slap him washes over me.

Does he realise how awkward and hard I'm finding this? All because of him. But no, I have to act completely normal or else he'll lose it again. Could he not try and help me by easing the tension? Be the one to start a conversation? At least then I'd know what's a comfortable topic to talk about.

An eerie silence hovers over the two of us. We sit quietly, uncomfortably eating. Why is it so hard to have breakfast with my boyfriend?

"So, um..." Justin bobs his head up. "What have you guys been doing? Y'know, what has Spuckler been making you do?"

I clear my throat. "Oh, just back to digging holes."

"Nothing else?"

I shake my head stiffly. Justin nods in understanding. The thick air wafts over us again, swallowing us. Thankfully, Chris and Sebastian take a seat with us, allowing me to relax again.

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