Chapter 23: "Going to repeat the past?"

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"Argh!" Kat stomps her foot on the dirt of the ground in frustration as the wind once again, pelts against her hair. Her shovel drops to the ground with a clink before she uses her hand to pull her hair back behind her ears like she had done previous times. Mumbling some incoherent and most likely vile words, she picks her shovel back up and continues digging her hole.

Another whoosh of cool air blows against her, not harshly, but strong enough to whip her hair back across her face and for more cuss to spill from her mouth.

Leaning against my upright shovel, I smirk, watching her almost rip out her hair as she once again, attempts to keep her hair away from her face and behind her back.

"Stupid freaking wind." Her angered words shoot between her gritted teeth.

I merely laugh at her annoyance and multiple attempts with her disobeying hair. She spins around to glare at me, the defiant breeze jumping at the opportunity to annoy her another time.

"What?" she hisses, her brunette hair covering half of her face, only causing me to chuckle.

"You alright there?" I ask mockingly. I can just make out her lips forming a thin line between the whisps of hair.

"I could ask you the same thing," she snaps. "You've barely started digging."

Her observation of my pathetic amount of work only makes me throw my head back in laughter. "You've just been so entertaining," I say.

"It's so annoying!" She complains about the wind.

"Why don't you just stand in the other direction so the wind is blowing your hair back?" I ask, knowing it's more of a solution than a question.

She stares blankly at me, her hair dancing wildly in the weather. "I didn't think of that..."

I just shake my head, grinning dumbly at the ground.

She walks to the other side of her hole. "You could've told me that at the start."

"What, and miss out on half an hour of that?" I snicker "No way."

She nods her head once. "Gee, what a kind boyfriend."

I cup my mouth with my hand to stop another laugh from escaping. "You looked like you were about to punch the wind."

A scowl emits across her now visible face. "Yeah? Well I'll get to go in sooner than you because I didn't just stand there looking like an idiot."

I scoff. "Oh, nah. You didn't look like an idiot at all, growling at the air."

"Fuck you." Her words struggle to reach me through the traffic jam of harsh gusts.

Deciding to leave it and not get her too angry, I simply push on with my on digging.

It takes me only fifteen minutes to dig the hole. Kat had gone in five minutes before me, making sure to get in a good taunt before she headed inside.

My shovel drops and my feet carry me in to the CC. Spotting Kat talking with Brad and Chris, I smile and walk over.

"What's up?" I say in greeting, burying my hands into my pockets.

"Finally." Kat hunches over in exhaustion of waiting for me to finish.

I give her a smirk. "Yeah, yeah. I finished five minutes after you. And I wasn't yelling at the wind."

Her arms hold at her hips as she rolls her eyes at me. "Well if they had a damn hair tie here I would've been fine."

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