Chapter 5: "You're sweeter than ice-cream."

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Should I tell Midge about what I heard last night? There wouldn't be any point, I guess. He couldn't help.

"I'm back." I turn to see Justin grinning down at me.

"Oh, hey." I smile as he takes a seat.

Licking my lips, I contemplate whether to ask him what he was talking about with his friends, even though I know.

"W-What were you talking about with your friends?" I ask cautiously.

"Oh, nothing." A grin pulls at his mouth but he looks away so I can't see it.

"Oh... Okay." I curl my lips into my mouth.

Clearing my throat, I try changing subject. "So, what do you think we'll have to do today?"

"What do you mean?" Justin asks, putting a spoonful of cornflakes in his mouth.

"Well, Chief Spuckler said we finished digging holes yesterday," I explain.

Swallowing the food in his mouth, he nods. "Oh right. Well I'm not sure. The stuff we've done before has never been very hard. The point of this prison is to just keep us from the outside world. Not to make us work."

"Good." I sigh, relieved that our next task won't be that hard.

We continue talking and eating until the bell rings.

Heading outside, we're joined by the Chief. To my surprise, there's the usual bunch of shovels on the ground.

"I thought we stopped digging holes," I say, scratching my head in confusion.

The Chief picks up the shovels and one-by-one, hands them to the guys. They all spread out and start digging.

I'm handed one and watch as he hands the last one to some guy. Justin doesn't have one though...

"Where's Justin's?" I ask, as Justin glares at the Chief.

"Oh, dear!" Spuckler gasps so mockingly that I want to punch him. "Looks like you'll have to use your hands." He snickers.

I scoff. "Or you could just get him one."

"Yeah, there were enough every other day." Justin spits.

I put my hand on my hip.

"I have better things to do than count the shovels," the Chief scowls.

I gape at his words. Unbelievable. "You said yesterday was the last day we'd be digging holes."

The Chief spits on the ground and I have to jump back to avoid it hitting me. "Change of plans," he snarls.

My hands go into fists. "You can't do th-"

"Enough!" he shouts, making everyone stop digging and look at us.

Taken back by his tone, I close my mouth.

"You!" he barks, pointing at me. "Start digging."

Fighting the urge to argue, I walk to my usual digging area, looking back at Justin and the Chief.

The Chief, in gritted teeth, says something to Justin, before turning on his heels and walking through the door.

"Fucking dick," I hear Justin growl.

I walk over to him, holding my shovel out in front of me. "Here, use it."

"No," he spits.

I look at the ground, feeling embarrassed at his rudeness.

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