Chapter 17: "We've got a plan."

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"What happened?" I ask Justin once he's walked over to me from the Chief's office where the two had their heated argument.

"Nothin'." He shrugs. "I told him how unfair he treats us. He had some wimpy excuse for all the reasons."

"Hey." I take hold of his hand, having an idea spring to mind. "What if next time he tries to annoy us or make us do extra work, we act like it doesn't bother us at all?"

A smile creeps on Justin's face as he looks at me. "What, we act like we're happy to do his work?"

"Yeah. I mean, he does it because he likes seeing us upset and angry. So he'll probably stop if he sees that he's not troubling us at all."

"That's not a bad idea, babe." He grins, gently squeezing my hand.

"And that means that we can't get annoyed or upset at anything he says," I say, knowing that'd probably be the hardest for Justin.

He hesitates. "Okay. I can't guarantee that I'll be able to fake being happy when he says...some stuff."

"I know, I know. And that's okay. Just try your best and know that what he says means nothing and is only to get a reaction out of you."

"Alright." He grins.

I notice Chris and the rest of Justin's group heading towards us.

"Hey," Brad says once they've made their way to us.

"Sorry for ditching you out there with the bus and all," he says, scratching the back of his neck.

"Ah, it's okay. Not your fault." Justin throws out his hand like it doesn't bother him the slightest.

"Yeah, Spucky just told us we didn't have to do any more. I mean, he did tell us he was going to make yous do the rest..."

"And you didn't try to stop him?" Justin's eyebrow raises as a smirk shows on his face to show he's just mucking around.

"What difference would it've made?" Sebastian shrugs, digging his hands into his pockets. "You and I and everyone else in this damn prison all know the Chief wouldn't surrender to anyone. Especially if it's just you telling him not to go ahead with his plan." He looks over to Brad.

"Oh, really? You don't think he'll surrender?" Justin crosses his arms.

"No, I don't."

"Sounds like a bet."

"You're on, Biebs."

"What'll I get if I win?"

"I've got some money in my- Oh wait...we're in a prison. I got freakin' nothing." Sebastian rolls his eyes, finding Justin's question completely stupid.

"Whatever, man. I'm still gonna make him surrender."


Justin scoffs. "What do you mean, 'How'? You speak like the dude's strong, tough. He can give us work to do. Whoopdy fucking do. If we got into a fight, I'd smash him."

"Before being taken away by the guards and sentenced to more time in jail," Sebastian adds.

"I should be given a freaking medal."

The door opens, the Chief appearing from behind it. Spotting us, he walks over, a smug grin planted on his face.

I mentally get ready for anything he has to say, remembering my plan of pretending not to mind anything he throws at us. I hope Justin's doing the same.

"Now Bieber..." he starts, clapping his hands together. "It was quite disrespectful what you said in there so I've given you the duty of cleaning the dishes for the night."

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