Chapter 20: "I can't let him see this."

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"Surely that's not legal." Brad's mouth gapes open.

We're surrounded at the table in the meal room and Justin and I have just finished telling the guys about our little encounter with Chief Spuckler in the bathroom.

I strip off the cold porridge substance from my spoon, not letting it sit on my tongue for more than a second before I force it down my throat.

"Probably isn't." Justin shrugs. "But that doesn't give us any way to stop him. Who would we tell? The guards?" He scoffs. "No one can do anything about it. We have no communication with the outside world. The only way to get to them, would be through Spuckler. And then what do we say? Hey, Sir, we need to contact someone to dob on you and hopefully get your ass sacked and put in a worse jail than this one."

I can't help but chuckle lightly at his choice of words.

"Hey, aren't we s'posed to get like a visiting day or...somethin'?" Blake asks, one eyebrow raised in curiosity. "Or at least get to write a letter to family members?"

There's an inaudible moment between the six of us as we have a short think about it.

"Yeah, that's how it's supposed to go." Chris nods, a frown across his face. "But with Spuckler as the chief of this shit-hole, you can't expect us to get anything good."

"Except that ice-cream. Remember? That was so good!" Sebastian licks his lips in memory of the rare occasion we were given vanilla ice-cream.

Justin snickers. "Oh yeah, and I thought it was for your birthday." He nudges me softly.

I giggle, faintly blushing at the thought of my birthday and what present Justin had for me...

"Why'd you think it was for her birthday?" Sebastian has his nose crinkled, looking confused.

"Because her birthday was two days after. So I thought the Chief had given it two days early so we didn't know he was trying to secretly celebrate her b-day."

"Turns out he just wanted us to have more dishes to wash." I sigh.

The boys nod in understanding before Brad looks up at us from his meal.

"So did you celebrate her birthday? You know, on the actual day?"

The light blush on my cheeks from before became much more vibrant now that they're asking about a way.

I hear Justin smirk as he sends me a side glance.

Even though it was for a mere second, the way his eyes locked with mine brought me a clear vision of that night. And how we 'celebrated' it...

How he could change the mood of the room in a heartbeat. How he hypnotised me with his eyes while slowly taking off each piece of clothing we had on. How it turned into something hot and heavy with a kiss to the lips.

I still find it hard to get over the fact that I lost my virginity in a guy's prison. And that that was my only present. Not that I'm complaining...

Shaking my head, I look at Brad who's still looking like he's expecting an answer.

Obviously Justin hadn't said anything while I was reminiscing.

"We didn't really celebrate. I mean, you can't in a prison, can you?" I force a light-hearted chuckle.

"You'd be surprised," I hear Justin mumble under his breath, still with a smug smirk across his face.

Discreetly, I jab my foot into his leg causing him to yelp in pain.

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