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The sun was almost completely set on the horizon. A large ship was steadily making its way towards its final destination. A young girl with long brown hair and piercing blue grey eyes stood at the wheel of the ship next to the ship's captain. He stood back while she guided the ship. She smiled over her shoulder at the captain who also happened to be her father.

"Am I doing well, Daddy?"

"An expert sailor. You have learned well, Juliette," he responded.

"Come spar with us, Juli!" A pirate called up.

"Yeah, Hook, can your daughter come spar with us?" Another one yelled.

"May I, Daddy? May I please?" She begged.

"Of course you may," Hook nodded.

"Thank you!" Juliette smiled and ran down to the deck. As she ran, she pulled out her sword from the sheath connected to her belt.

"Come on, Juli! Let's spar!" A young pirate stepped forward.

Juilette smirked and got into the fighting stance her father taught her. She twisted her wrist that held her sword as she held her other arm behind her. The girl narrowed her eyes and sized Marco up. Marco, a newer recruit, was seventeen. He had got a tall lanky figure, but Juliette knew that he was strong. Her father's advice of 'wait until your opponent gets bored and makes the first move' rang in her ears. She held her sword behind her neck and waited. She could see that Marco was getting bored with the lack of action and ran towards his captain's daughter.

Juliette waited until the last possible moment to make her move. She swung her sword up and caught Marco's before it could hit her. She kicked him back and continued to fight the pirate. She reminded herself to stay calm and collected. As she continued fighting, she felt herself loosening up. Juliette expertly knocked Marco's sword from his hand and kicked it further behind her. She held her sword in front of him, close to his throat.

"Point," she said with a smirk.

"Another win for Juli Jones," Smee said, "An expert fighter like her father."

"Thank you, Mr. Smee," she smiled, "Daddy?" She looked up at her father for approval.

"A wonderful fighter. Good job, Juliette," Hook walked down to wrap his arm around his daughter.

"Thanks, Daddy!" She grinned giving him a hug.

"Now, let's get you to bed. We all have a big day, especially my lovely daughter."

"Aw, Daddy do I have to go to bed now?" Juliette complained.

"Yes. You have a full day of sailing, and I need you at your best. You aren't your best when you're sleep deprived," Hook explained.

"Oh okay. I'll go get ready for bed then," she nodded, waving good night.

Juliette went down to the captain's quarters and headed to her side of the room. She opened up a drawer and pulled out a shirt and a pair of pants. She let her hair out from the braid holding the hair in front of her face back. She started to change as she heard her dad's footsteps through the door that connects the two halves of the quarters. She tossed her dirty clothes on her dresser. She opened the door and looked into her father's room. She smiled when he walked into her room. Juliette hopped into bed and looked up at her father.

"Juliette, do you have a dagger on you?"

"No. My dagger is over there with my clothes? Why?"

"We're sailing into dangerous waters. I want you protected and armed at all times. Sleep with your dagger in your hand," Hook said. He walked over and picked up the blade.

"Okay. What am I doing tomorrow? Am I fighting with you?" She asked excitedly as she took the dagger from him.

"Fat chance. I'm not putting my daughter in harm's way like that. You're going to be sailing the Jolly Rodger away through a portal using this," Hook pulled out a necklace with a magic bean attached, "You throw this is the water ahead of the ship; then, it's full speed head."

"Okay. Do you think I'm ready to sail through a portal, Daddy?"

"I do. I will be up as quickly as possible once I'm back aboard the Jolly Rodger."

"Okay. I'll do my best ," Juliette promised.

"I know you will. You're my daughter in every way, shape, and form," Hook smiled, tucking the blanket around her.

"Like father like daughter. I love you," Juliette gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you too, Juli. Get some sleep, love," Hook kissed her on the forehead.

"Okay," she nodded clutching her dagger.

"I'll see you in the morning," Hook smiled before walking out and closing the door.

Juliette smiled and turned on her side. She tucked her hand that she was holding her dagger with under her pillow. She looked out the window at the waves gently slapping the side of the ship. She smiled and closed her eyes knowing she would be asleep soon enough. The sound of the water had always soothed and helped her fall asleep. She took a few a few deep breaths before slowly drifting off to sleep ready for the busy day.

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