Part One: Chapter Eleven- Missing

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Killian woke up in bed next to Emma. She was curled up next to him. He sighed and pushed a hand through his hair. They still couldn't find a way to Juliette. He had her first teddy bear, but he was unwilling to risk loosing it. Regina had turned it into a necklace. He wore it everyday to give him some sort of comfort that his daughter was still with him. Killian missed Juli terribly. No matter what anyone said, he blamed himself for pushing her away. She was his little girl and meant the world to him.

Killian stood up and got dressed. He sighed running his hands through his hair. He slowly walked downstairs to make breakfast. He sighed as he made some eggs. Scrambled eggs were Juli's favourites. He sighed and ate them quickly. Killian just wanted to get back to the Jolly Rodger. He still hadn't looked around in Juliette's cabin yet. There might be things that would be able to help him find her. He scribbled a note to Emma and headed out.

When Killian arrived at his ship, he hesitantly headed down to her part of the quarters. He smiled looking around. It looked exactly the same as it did when he was last in it with her. He sat down on her bed. He ran his hand over the sheets of herbed. It was like she hadn't ever been gone. He stood up and opened up the cabinets. He found the secret compartment and used his hook to open it. Only he and Juliette had the capability of opening it.

He opened it and smiled. He saw Juliette's armoury. Several cutlasses, daggers, swords, and bows and arrows. Killian picked up a medium sized sword that he had given her when she was ten. He smiled and looked the blade over as he remembered how much it meant to her. She loved all her weapons and knew just when to use which one.

"Juli! Come 'ere!" Killian called from the main deck down into the ship where Juli was.

It took a few minutes before Juliette came up to the main deck. She looked slightly confused but excited. She smiled and walked over to him and gave him a hug. He hugged her back holding her tightly against him. He gently rubbed the back of her head. He loved his daughter with all his heart. She meant the world to him, and he wanted to make sure she would be a top notch pirate to lead the Jolly Rodger with him.

"What is, Daddy?" Juliette looked up at him with clear ice blue eyes lined with black kohl--just like his.

"I have a gift for you," Hook grinned and handed her a long box with a red bow.

"Oooo!" Juliette grinned and opened it. Her eyes lit up when she pulled out the sword, "Thank you!"

"Of course. I thought since my little girl was getting bigger, she should get a bigger sword."

"I love it! Where did you get it?"

"What's the key to being a pirate?" He raised an eyebrow at her.

"Secrecy," Juliette recited.

"Aye. Good girl," he gently brushed her cheek and down her chin with his hook.

"Well thank you. I love it," she grinned putting the shinning silver metal into its sheath before attaching it to her belt.

"Anything for my little girl," Hook smiled.

Killian sighed as he set her sword down. He continued on looking around. He opened the cabinet just below it. Killian smiled widely looking at the shelves lined with stuffed animals. He picked up a teddy bear that was sitting all by itself. Killian knew that was because that was her favourite teddy bear. The grizzly bear was dressed like a pirate. Killian had it specially made so its clothes would look like Juliette's daily dress. He picked it up and held it close. He closed his eyes and felt tears dripping down his cheeks.

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