Part One: Chapter Fourteen- Solutions

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Juliette woke up in Pan's bed par usual. The only unusual thing this time was the heavy presence of Pan wrapped around her. The previous night, he laid down with her and held her close. She was quite tense at first, but slowly got used to it enough to be able to sleep. Deep down, Juliette like it. She liked the feeling of being protected. It felt protective in a strange way. She squeezed her eyes shut trying to figure out how to push down her feelings.

"I know you're awake," Pan's voice startled her.

"Yeah. Good morning."

"Morning. Ready for today?"

"Yes. What are we doing?"

"I have come up with a solution. I believe you've been here long enough and have earned the respect of everyone enough to have your own tent and such."


"Mhm. Let's go."

Juliette held on to Pan as he flew them down off his bed. They landed outside a spare tent. Pan had been using it when he wasn't in his tent. Juliette looked up at him in confusion. Pan smiled and lead her in.

Juliette was stunned when she walked in. It was much different than she expected. She was shocked to see that it was decorated like a cabin you would find on a pirate ship. She grinned and looked at the nets that decorated her shelf. She noticed that the insides of her tent were painted like the waves of the ocean. She grinned looking up. It was the ocean at night.

"Here," Pan handed her a coconut.

"A coconut?"

"Not quite," Pan opened it up.

"A candle in a coconut?" Juliette raised her eyebrow.

"Watch this," Pan smirked at her.

Juliette watched as Pan easily lit the candle with a flick of his wrist. He carefully put a top on it and set it on her shelf. Juliette followed his gaze up. Her eyes widened and a grin over took her face. She loved seeing the stars. It reminded her of being on the water with Hook.

"Wow. Thank you so much, Pan," Juliette grinned.

"Sure thing. The closet over there is fully stalked with clothes that are pirate-like but more realistic for being a lost girl," Pan nodded.

"You really thought of everything," Juliette grinned.

"I'm not done. Open the chest at the foot of your bed," Pan instructed.

Juliette nodded and walked over to the chest that was draped in fish nets. She grinned and opened it up. She gasped seeing an armoury of weapons. Juliette carefully pulled out a cutlass. She took it out of the sheath and inspected the blade. Juliette was in awe of everything in it.

"I'm sure as a pirate you're used to having a wide array of weapons," Pan had his arms folded.

"Yes of course, but my weapon choices weren't this wide," she put the cutlass back before taking out the bow and arrow set.

"Beautiful isn't it?"

"Very," she nodded.

"Put it to good use today while we're hunting today. I'll be outside waiting."

"Okay," Juliette nodded as Pan walked out making sure to close the flap to her tent.

She walked over to the closet and pulled out a shirt and some jeans. She tugged them on before turning her attention to the shelf. There was a small mirror with things to fix her hair with. Juliette grinned when she saw kohl liner. She grabbed it and lined her eyes. She added a dramatic flick just for fun. She quickly braided her hair over her shoulder before going to the closet again to get shoes. Pan had stalked her closet full with boots. She pulled out a pair of tall brown lace up boots.

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