Part One: Chapter Fifteen- Found

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Juliette woke up from sleeping in her tent. She quickly dressed herself and fixed her hair. It would probably make more sense for her to keep it up, but she liked to wear it down. It reminded her of being a pirate. She knew that she needed to give up on that life and embrace her new one on Neverland.

She tugged her black leather jacket out and pulled out the folded picture. She looked at the picture sadly. She ran her finger tips over the smiling face of Hook. It was only when he was at his worst or with her that she ever saw him smile. Killian constantly smiled and not because of her. Juliette tucked it away before tossing her jacket on the cot. She walked out of the tent to the Lost Boys with a confident smirk.

"Mornin', Juli," Max nodded.

"Good morning," Juli smiled.

"Pan will be out soon. Grab some food while you can. We have a busy day."

Juliette nodded and grabbed some fruits scattered in the middle of the camp. She picked up and apple and bit into it. She chuckled to herself knowing Snow, Emma, and Henry would be terrified to see her eating an apple--the forbidden fruit. She munched at the food happily. She noticed some of the boys giving her dirty looks but didn't think much of it as it was a normal occurrence.

Juliette sat down on a log after gathering up some food. She started eating to help keep her energy up for whatever Pan had planned for her today. She looked up as Max and Pan sat down on either side of her. Even after all this time, it still made her slightly nervous. No matter how attractive she found him, Juliette was scared of him. Pan rested a hand on her thigh--a very common thing for him now. She softly grit her jaw but tried not to show that she was nervous.

"Juliette," Pan nodded.

"Pan," she nodded back not looking him directly in the eyes.

"How did you sleep, lost girl?"

"Good, thank you. And you?"

"Fine," Pan responded shortly.

Juliette looked over at him slightly confused, but didn't say anything. It was strange to her that he called her 'lost girl'. He had never ever referred to her as that before. She was slightly unsettled but ignored it as she went over to join a hunting party. She knew that she had to continue showing how great she was at hunting after such a great showing the week before.

* * * * *

Pan had been sharpening his dagger when he heard something strange. He followed it into the forest and walked over to where he could hear some cruel laughs. He wondered what was going on. When he was hidden in the bushes, he was shocked at what he saw. Juliette was struggling slightly against a couple of the Lost Boys, her kills scattered around them. One of them held a dagger to her throat coated with dream shade which halted any and all movements from the girl. The only thing to show that she was truly terrified was the fact that she let out small whimpers in between the growls and hisses escaping her lips showing she was pissed off.

"Did you really think you could hide that?!"

"Did you really think you could keep it from us that you're Hook's daughter?!" Luke pressed his dagger to her throat harder.

"I had hoped," she coughed.

"Well then you're just a stupid girl. Did you really think you could keep a picture of you and Hook and not have us find it?" Pan recognised Mike's voice.

"Yes actually because I didn't expect you to go digging around in my tent. Invasion of privacy, though I guess I couldn't expect much from you lot," she hissed.

"Slit her throat," Luke egged Mike on.

"I don't think so!" Juliette snarled.

Pan watched impressed as Juliette elbowed Mike in the gut. She whipped around and punched him in the face harshly. She kicked him in the groin causing the boy to fall on to the ground. Luke looked at his friend in distress. Juliette walked over to Luke and smacked him across the face. She punched him in the gutt and kicked him backwards.

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