Part One: Chapter 16- Trying Hard

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Juliette smiled when she woke up. She was going on her first official date with Pan today. She had no idea what he had planned. Juliette smiles as she went over to her closet to figure out what she was going to wear for the day. She pulled out some dark pants, a dark green shirt with a corset, and tall dark brown boots. She quickly dressed herself before going over to her mirror. She picked up some kohl and began to line her eyes. She smiled once she had finished. Her blue eyes were wide and more on display. Next, Juliette braided her hair. She braided her hair back slightly letting the rest just flow around her shoulders. Juli looked in the mirror and smiled. She smiled and walked out.

It didn't escape Juliette that everyone was now aware she a Jones--Hook's daughter. Some of the Lost Boys gave her dirty looks while others seemed indifferent. Pan treated her no differently, but then again he had always known. She walked over to the food pile and got a small bowl. She took some berries and a apple before sitting down on a log.

"Hey," a voice said. Juliette looked up and smiled when she saw Pan standing there with a bowl of food as well.

"Hi," she grinned and moved so that there was room for Pan to sit with her.

Pan sat down so close to her that their legs were brushing. It made Juliette's heart race a little bit. She looked shyly over at Pan. He smirked and brushed a few stray pieces of hair away from her face and behind her ear. That simple gesture caused her cheeks to flush a little bit more. Pan chuckled lightly, and Juliette flushed more. She looked down only for Pan to raise her chin with his finger forcing her to look at him. He gently rubbed her cheek with his thumb, and his green eyes searched her face.

"Why are you so shy right now?" Pan wondered quietly.

"I don't know. I'm not sure what to do. I never really thought about having a boy like me and me liking him back. That didn't fit in with my life plan since we were constantly travelling around. Not to mention my father was just so over-protective of me; I just never had to worry about it."

"Well now you're here in Neverland, and you have me; I'm crazy about you. Everything about you intrigues me. And I get it; I honestly do. This is new for me too. I haven't had a girl on the island that I've ever been romantically interested in," Pan said while running her fingers through her hair which made Juliette bite her lip.

"What about Wendy Darling?"

"Wendy Darling? Oh no! Never liked her. How do you know about Wendy Darling?"

"Well in the World without Magic, there are stories about you--movies and books--and well Wendy was in it too. And you guys, kind of were like, nevermind," Juliette stumbled with her words before just stopping.

"Well in this story, Peter Pan has Juliette Jones," Pan's words made Juliette smile.

"And I like that," Juliette smiled leaning into Pan.

The two of them sat there watching the other Lost Boys. She smiled when he put his arm around her waist. She continued to eat and think. Juliette really was interested about what Pan was going to do for their first date. It would be her first date too. She felt very nervous. Juliette wished that had someone to help her with this. She never missed not having a mom, but in this moment she did. Juliette pushed those feelings down knowing that she and Pan would work through this together.

"A penny for your thoughts," Pan murmured in her ear.

"My dad would be shocked and furious if he could only see us now," she giggled.

"Indeed. He would try to kill me," Pan agreed with a laugh.

"Well I wouldn't let him," Juliette smiled turning towards him. She rested her head on his chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2018 ⏰

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